Interface SalesInterventionQuoteLegClientFieldSet

All Superinterfaces:
LeggedMessage, Message
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SalesInterventionQuoteLegClientFieldSet extends LeggedMessage
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
    This field represents the Forward margin that the sales user has selected.
    default String
    This field represents the Forward margin that the sales user has selected.
    default String
    For forward trades this is the forward points that the client wants to trade on.
    default String
    For forward trades this is the forward points that the client wants to trade on.

    Methods inherited from interface com.caplin.motif.datasource.LeggedMessage

    getId, getIndex

    Methods inherited from interface com.caplin.motif.datasource.Message

    getField, getFields
  • Method Details

    • getFwdBidMargin

      default String getFwdBidMargin()
      This field represents the Forward margin that the sales user has selected. This field should be sent raw and unformatted.
    • getFwdAskMargin

      default String getFwdAskMargin()
      This field represents the Forward margin that the sales user has selected. This field should be sent raw and unformatted.
    • getTraderFwdBidPoints

      default String getTraderFwdBidPoints()
      For forward trades this is the forward points that the client wants to trade on. The value of this field must equal the value of either the BidPoints or AskPoints field on the rate update that the client is executing. For SPOT trades this field should be not sent. If the trade is a forward but the back end did not send the BidPoints and AskPoints fields (because they are optional) then this field should be not sent.
    • getTraderFwdAskPoints

      default String getTraderFwdAskPoints()
      For forward trades this is the forward points that the client wants to trade on. The value of this field must equal the value of either the BidPoints or AskPoints field on the rate update that the client is executing. For SPOT trades this field should be not sent. If the trade is a forward but the back end did not send the BidPoints and AskPoints fields (because they are optional) then this field should be not sent.