Interface MMInterventionQuoteClientFieldSet

All Superinterfaces:
LeggedMessage, Message
All Known Implementing Classes:
MMInterventionQuoteClientFieldSetChild, QuoteTradeEvent

public interface MMInterventionQuoteClientFieldSet extends LeggedMessage
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
    A unique identifier for the client application
    default String
    This field represents the margin that the sales user has selected.
    default String
    Interest margin on the given InterestRate.
    default String
    This field is the length of time in seconds that a sales intervention quote is valid for.
    default String
    The type of pricing, either QUOTE or STREAM, QUOTE will send a send a singe quote to the client, while STREAM will stream rates to the client using the given margins.
    default String
    This field is the remaining length of time in milliseconds that a sales intervention quote is valid for.
    default String
    This field represents the interest rate that the sales user has selected.

    Methods inherited from interface com.caplin.motif.datasource.LeggedMessage

    getId, getIndex

    Methods inherited from interface com.caplin.motif.datasource.Message

    getField, getFields
  • Method Details

    • getPricingType

      default String getPricingType()
      The type of pricing, either QUOTE or STREAM, QUOTE will send a send a singe quote to the client, while STREAM will stream rates to the client using the given margins.
    • getInterestRate

      default String getInterestRate()
      Interest margin on the given InterestRate.
    • getInterestMargin

      default String getInterestMargin()
      This field represents the margin that the sales user has selected. It should be sent as a raw value, and unformatted.
    • getTraderInterestRate

      default String getTraderInterestRate()
      This field represents the interest rate that the sales user has selected.
    • getOverallTimeOut

      default String getOverallTimeOut()
      This field is the length of time in seconds that a sales intervention quote is valid for.
    • getRemainingTimeOutMillis

      default String getRemainingTimeOutMillis()
      This field is the remaining length of time in milliseconds that a sales intervention quote is valid for.
    • getAppID

      default String getAppID()
      A unique identifier for the client application