Interface OrderChangeActiveStateListenerFactory

@Deprecated public interface OrderChangeActiveStateListenerFactory

An OrderChangeActiveStateListenerFactory instance is responsible for providing a OrderChangeActiveStateListener whenever a Limit Order that already exists has been activated from the client.

Typically the client will have already submitted an order which has been deactivated and wants to reactivate it.

Example Usage:

 public class MyOrderChangeActiveStateListenerFactory implements OrderChangeActiveStateListenerFactory
    public OrderChangeActiveStateListener createChangeActiveStateListener(ChangeActiveState changeActiveState)
                 return new MyOrderChangeActiveStateListener() ;
  • Method Details

    • createChangeActiveStateListener

      OrderChangeActiveStateListener createChangeActiveStateListener(ChangeActiveState changeActiveState)

      Returns an instance of OrderChangeActiveStateListener that will be notified of incoming client side events regarding orders being changed to the active state.

      changeActiveState -

      The object representing the parameters of the request the client initiated to change to the order to the active state.

      The listener that will be called upon to handle client events