IStreamLinkProvider Interface
This interface provides the main StreamLink API, allowing the application to control interactions with the server, including subscribing to data and controlling connections.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public interface IStreamLinkProvider
Public Interface IStreamLinkProvider
public interface class IStreamLinkProvider
All MembersMethodsProperties

Adds an IConnectionListener that receives status events about the state of StreamLink's connection to the server.

Requests a connection to the server.

Gets the set of IConnectionListeners that have been registered with this IStreamLinkProvider.

CreateChatSubscription(IChatSubscriptionListener, String)
Creates a Chat subscription using no parameters.

CreateChatSubscription(IChatSubscriptionListener, String, IChatSubscriptionParameters)
Creates a Chat subscription using a supplied set of subscription parameters.

CreateContainerSubscription(IContainerSubscriptionListener, String)
Creates a Container subscription. The subscription is for all fields of the data items in the container with no filtering applied, and the container window spans all subscribed elements.

CreateContainerSubscription(IContainerSubscriptionListener, String, IContainerSubscriptionParameters)
Creates a Container subscription using a supplied set of subscription parameters.

CreateDirectorySubscription(IDirectorySubscriptionListener, String)
Creates a Directory subscription for the given subject.

CreateDirectorySubscription(IDirectorySubscriptionListener, String, IDirectorySubscriptionParameters)
Creates a Directory subscription for the given subject, with the specified parameter settings.

CreateNewsSubscription(INewsSubscriptionListener, String)
Creates a News headline subscription using a supplied set of subscription parameters.

CreateNewsSubscription(INewsSubscriptionListener, String, INewsSubscriptionParameters)
Creates a News headline subscription using a supplied set of subscription parameters.

CreatePageSubscription(IPageSubscriptionListener, String, IPageSubscriptionParameters)
Creates a news Page subscription using a supplied set of subscription parameters.

CreatePageSubscription(IPageSubscriptionListener, String)
Creates a news Page subscription.

CreatePermissionSubscription(IPermissionSubscriptionListener, String)
Creates a permission subscription for the given subject.

CreateRecordSubscription(IRecordSubscriptionListener, String, IRecordSubscriptionParameters)
Creates a Record subscription using a supplied set of subscription parameters.

CreateRecordSubscription(IRecordSubscriptionListener, String)
Creates a Record subscription. The subscription is to all fields in the record with no filtering applied.

CreateStorySubscription(IStorySubscriptionListener, String)
Creates a news story subscription.

CreateStorySubscription(IStorySubscriptionListener, String, IStorySubscriptionParameters)
Creates a news story subscription using a supplied set of subscription parameters.

CreateSubject(ICommandListener, String, ICreateParameters)
Creates a subject (data item) on the Liberator.

DeleteSubject(ICommandListener, String, IDeleteParameters)
Deletes a subject (data item) on the Liberator.

Disconnects from the Liberator.

Gets the version of the Liberator server to which the StreamLink instance is connected.

GlobalThrottle(ICommandListener, IThrottleParameters)
Issues a command to change the throttle level for all updates received from the Liberator.

Gets the IParametersFactory used to create parameters for subscription requests and commands.

Publish(ICommandListener, String, IPublishParameters)
Publishes information (updates) to the Liberator.

Removes the specified IConnectionListener.

Retrieves statistical information about this instance of IStreamLinkProvider.

Throttle(ICommandListener, String, IThrottleParameters)
Issues a command to change the throttle level of updates received from the Liberator for a particular subscribed subject (data item).

Unsubscribes (removes) all subscriptions for an ISubscriptionListener.

Having created an instance of StreamLink you access the functionality of IStreamLinkProvider through the StreamLink object’s StreamLinkProvider property.

Assembly: Caplin.StreamLink (Module: Caplin.StreamLink) Version: (