StandardKeyMasterCredentialsProvider Constructor
StandardKeyMasterCredentialsProvider(String, ICredentials, Int32)
Constructs a StandardKeyMasterCredentialsProvider with a specified KeyMaster URI, credentials and request timeout period. If this constructor is used then the StandardKeyMasterCredentialsProvider will not do any polling.

StandardKeyMasterCredentialsProvider(String, ICredentials)
Constructs a StandardKeyMasterCredentialsProvider with a specified KeyMaster URI, credentials and the default request timeout of 10 seconds. If this constructor is used then the StandardKeyMasterCredentialsProvider will not do any polling.

StandardKeyMasterCredentialsProvider(String, ICredentials, Int32, StreamLink, Uri, Int64)
Constructs a StandardKeyMasterCredentialsProvider with a specified KeyMaster URI, credentials and request timeout period that performs polling. Polling is used to keep the KeyMaster session alive so that if StreamLink reconnects and requests another token it does not have to reauthenticate.

StandardKeyMasterCredentialsProvider(String, ICredentials, StreamLink, Uri, Int64)
Constructs a StandardKeyMasterCredentialsProvider with a specified KeyMaster URI, credentials and the default request timeout period of 10 seconds that performs polling. Polling is used to keep the KeyMaster session alive so that if StreamLink reconnects and requests another token it does not have to reauthenticate.

Assembly: Caplin.StreamLink (Module: Caplin.StreamLink) Version: (