IRecordSubscriptionListener Interface
Callback interface to be called when information regarding a record subject updates.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public interface IRecordSubscriptionListener : ISubscriptionListener
Public Interface IRecordSubscriptionListener _
	Implements ISubscriptionListener
public interface class IRecordSubscriptionListener : ISubscriptionListener
All MembersMethods

RecordType2Updated(ISubscription, IRecordType2Event)
Called when an update to a type2 record is received from the Liberator.

RecordType3Updated(ISubscription, IRecordType3Event)
Called when an update of type3 data is received from the Liberator.

RecordUpdated(ISubscription, IRecordEvent)
Called when an update occurs for a record subject.

SubscriptionErrorReceived(ISubscription, ISubscriptionErrorEvent)
Handles an event raised when there is an error in a subscription.
(Inherited from ISubscriptionListener.)
SubscriptionStatusUpdated(ISubscription, ISubscriptionStatusEvent)
Handles an event raised when there is a change in the status of a subscription.
(Inherited from ISubscriptionListener.)
Thread Safety
The IRecordSubscriptionListener methods are not called on a dedicated worker thread. It is called directly from a thread running within the StreamLink.NET library. Therefore if the API user code is likely to perform any sort of intense execution it is recommended that the API user executes this in a separate thread.

Assembly: Caplin.StreamLink (Module: Caplin.StreamLink) Version: (