StreamLink for Silverlight
Log Method (level, categories, message, messageParameters)
StreamLink for SilverlightCaplin.StreamLink.LoggingFileLoggerLog(SourceLevels, array<String>[]()[], String, array<String>[]()[])
Logs a single message with a given severity and one or more categories, and with supplied parameter values substituted into it.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public void Log(
	SourceLevels level,
	string[] categories,
	string message,
	params string[] messageParameters
Public Sub Log ( _
	level As SourceLevels, _
	categories As String(), _
	message As String, _
	ParamArray messageParameters As String() _
virtual void Log(
	SourceLevels level, 
	array<String^>^ categories, 
	String^ message, 
	... array<String^>^ messageParameters
) sealed
level (SourceLevels)
The logging level, indicating the severity of the message to be logged.
categories (array< String >[]()[])
An array of log categories. These categories identify the type of message being logged and the components from which the message originates.
message (String)
The message to be logged.
messageParameters (array< String >[]()[])
One or more message parameter values that are to be substituted into message.
The message can contain C# format specifiers that correspond to the message parameters. The method should substitute the message parameters into the supplied message (using Format(String, array<Object>[]()[])), to produce a readable message that is then logged.

Assembly: Caplin.StreamLink.Silverlight (Module: Caplin.StreamLink.Silverlight) Version: (