StreamLink for Silverlight
INewsSubscriptionParameters Interface
StreamLink for SilverlightCaplin.StreamLink.Subscription.NewsINewsSubscriptionParameters
Provides access to the parameters used when requesting a news headline object from the Liberator.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public interface INewsSubscriptionParameters : ISubscriptionParameters
Public Interface INewsSubscriptionParameters _
	Implements ISubscriptionParameters
public interface class INewsSubscriptionParameters : ISubscriptionParameters
All MembersMethodsProperties

Determines if this instance of ISubscriptionParameters is equal to another instance. This is used for message optimisation.
(Inherited from ISubscriptionParameters.)
Gets the filter associated with the subscription. When the record is subscribed, the Liberator uses the filter to restrict the updates that reach the INewsSubscriptionListener associated with the subscription.

Converts the ISubscriptionParameters into a string representation.
(Inherited from ISubscriptionParameters.)

Parameters are used to specify a filter which the Liberator will apply to determine whether a news headline update should be sent to the application. Typically filters can be used to retrieve news headlines relating to a particular company or topic.

To create an INewsSubscriptionParameters object, use one of the CreateNewsSubscriptionParameters() methods of IParametersFactory.

Filter Syntax

For further information on the filtering syntax see the Caplin StreamLink Overview.

Assembly: Caplin.StreamLink.Silverlight (Module: Caplin.StreamLink.Silverlight) Version: (