StreamLink for Silverlight
CreateLogicalFilterExpression Method (oper)
StreamLink for SilverlightCaplin.StreamLink.Subscription.Container.ExtendedParametersExtendedParametersFactoryCreateLogicalFilterExpression(LogicalFilterExpressionOperator)
Creates a new logical filter expression that filters the records in the container based on the logical combination of two or more IFieldFilterExpressions
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public static ILogicalFilterExpression CreateLogicalFilterExpression(
	LogicalFilterExpressionOperator oper
Public Shared Function CreateLogicalFilterExpression ( _
	oper As LogicalFilterExpressionOperator _
) As ILogicalFilterExpression
static ILogicalFilterExpression^ CreateLogicalFilterExpression(
	LogicalFilterExpressionOperator oper
oper (LogicalFilterExpressionOperator)
The operator in the logical filter expression.
Return Value
A new ILogicialFilterExpression.

After creating an ILogicalFilterExpression you must add at least two IFieldFilterExpressions to it by calling ILogicalFilterExpression.AddExpression().

Assume you have two IFieldExpressions specifying the field filters "(bid > 5)" and "(ask < 6)" respectively and you created the ILogicalFilterExpression with the AND operator. After you have added the two IFIeldFilterExpressions the resulting ILogicalFilterExpression represents the filter "(bid > 5) AND (ask < 6)"

Assembly: Caplin.StreamLink.Silverlight (Module: Caplin.StreamLink.Silverlight) Version: (