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ADD - com.caplin.trading.LegAction.LegActionType
Value that represents a leg being added to a trade.
addBlotterTradeListener(BlotterChannel, BlotterTradeListener) - Method in class com.caplin.trading.TradingProvider
addField(String, int) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.LegAction
Adds a field that relates to this leg, for example the bid price for this transaction.
addField(String, int) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeEvent
Adds a field to this TradeEvent.
addField(String, String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.BlotterMessage
Adds a field to the blotter message.
addField(String, String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.LegAction
Adds a field that relates to this leg, for example the base currency of this transaction.
addField(String, String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeEvent
Adds a field to this TradeEvent.
addLegAction(LegAction) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeEvent
Adds a leg action to the trade.


BlotterChannel - Interface in com.caplin.trading
blotterChannelClosed(BlotterChannel) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradingApplicationListener
blotterChannelCreated(BlotterChannel) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradingApplicationListener
BlotterClosedException - Exception in com.caplin.trading
BlotterClosedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.caplin.trading.BlotterClosedException
BlotterClosedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.caplin.trading.BlotterClosedException
BlotterEvent - Interface in com.caplin.trading
BlotterMessage - Interface in com.caplin.trading
BlotterTradeListener - Interface in com.caplin.trading


channelClosed(TradeChannel) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradingApplicationListener
Called when a channel is closed as a result of the user finishing its trading session or the connection being lost to the Liberator.
channelCreated(TradeChannel) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradingApplicationListener
Called when a client wants to open a trading channel that will subsequently be used to perform trades.
CLIENT - com.caplin.trading.EventSource
close() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.BlotterChannel
Closes this BlotterChannel.
com.caplin.trading - package com.caplin.trading
The Caplin Trading Integration API provides Java classes and interfaces that allow you to create Trading Adapters.
createAddLegAction() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Leg
Creates an action that represents the addition of a leg to a trade.
createBlotterMessage() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.BlotterChannel
Creates a blotter message that will be sent to the user on this channel.
createErrorEvent(String, String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Trade
Creates an error event for this Trade.
createEvent(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Trade
Creates an event for this Trade.
createLeg() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Trade
Creates a new trade leg on this trade.
createRemoveLegAction() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Leg
Creates an action that represents the removal of a leg from a trade.
createRestoreEvent(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Trade
Creates an event that will restore a trade into the specified state.
createTrade(TradeChannel, String) - Method in class com.caplin.trading.TradingProvider
Creates a new Trade and restores it to the specified channel, setting the requestId to a generated value.
createTrade(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeChannel
createUpdateLegAction() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Leg
Creates an action that represents an update to an existing trade leg, for example a change in the value of one of the leg fields.


ERROR_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeErrorEvent
EventSource - Enum in com.caplin.trading


fromText(String) - Static method in enum com.caplin.trading.EventSource


getAllTrades() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeChannel
Gets all the trades that this channel is currently managing.
getBlotterChannel() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.BlotterEvent
Gets the BlotterChannel on which the event occurred.
getChannel() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Trade
Gets the Trade Channel for this Trade.
getDataSource() - Method in class com.caplin.trading.TradingProvider
The underlying DataSource object that is used for communication with the Liberator.
getEventSource() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeEvent
Returns the source of this event: CLIENT, SERVER, or RESTORE
getField(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.BlotterMessage
Gets a field from the blotter message.
getField(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.LegAction
Gets the value of a field on this leg action.
getField(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Trade
Gets a stored field value from this Trade.
getField(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeEvent
Gets the value of a field in this TradeEvent.
getFields() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.BlotterMessage
Gets a map of all the fields.
getFields() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.LegAction
Gets an unmodifiable copy of all the fields on this leg action.
getFields() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Trade
Gets the fields of this Trade as a Map.
getFields() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeEvent
Gets the fields of this TradeEvent as a Map
getInvalidFields() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.InvalidFieldsEvent
Gets the fields in the client event that were invalid.
getLeg() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.LegAction
Gets the underlying Leg that this action relates to.
getLegActions() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeEvent
Gets the leg actions associated with this event.
getLegs() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Trade
Gets a copy of the list of legs that comprise this trade, in the correct order.
getMessage() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.InvalidFieldsEvent
Gets the error message relating to the invalid fields event.
getMessage() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.InvalidTransitionEvent
Gets the error message relating to the invalid state transition attempt.
getName() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeChannel
Gets the name of the channel
getParameters() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.BlotterChannel
Gets the parameters of the channel.
getPeerIndex() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeChannel
Get the index of the peer connection that is managing this TradeChannel.
getRequestId() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Trade
Gets the unique RequestId for this Trade.
getSource() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeEvent
Gets the source of this TradeEvent.
getState() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Trade
Gets the current state of this Trade.
getStateName() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.InvalidFieldsEvent
Gets the state that the Trade was in when the event with invalid fields was received.
getStateName() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.InvalidTransitionEvent
Gets the state that the trade was in when the invalid event was received.
getTrade() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.InvalidFieldsEvent
Gets the Trade object to which this InvalidFieldsEvent relates.
getTrade() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.InvalidTransitionEvent
Gets the Trade object to which this InvalidTransitionEvent relates.
getTrade() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeEvent
Gets the Trade object that this TradeEvent belongs to.
getTrade(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeChannel
Gets a Trade associated with this TradeChannel.
getTradeChannelListener() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeChannel
Gets the ChannelListener that is set on this TradeChannel.
getTradeEvent() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.BlotterEvent
Gets the trade event that triggered the blotter event.
getTradeEvent() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.InvalidFieldsEvent
Gets the TradeEvent that was invalid.
getTradeEvent() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.InvalidTransitionEvent
Gets the TradeEvent that was invalid.
getTradeListener() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Trade
Gets the TradeListener that is set on this Trade.
getType() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.LegAction
Gets the type of action that this instance represents.
getType() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Trade
Gets the type of this Trade.
getType() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeEvent
Gets the type of the TradeEvent.
getUser() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeChannel
Gets the username of the user represented by this channel
getUserName() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.BlotterChannel
Gets the username of the user represented by this channel


initialise() - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.BlotterChannel
This is an internal method.
InvalidFieldsEvent - Interface in com.caplin.trading
An event raised when one or more of the fields sent in a client event are invalid.
InvalidFieldsException - Exception in com.caplin.trading
InvalidFieldsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.caplin.trading.InvalidFieldsException
InvalidTransitionEvent - Interface in com.caplin.trading
An event raised when a client event would trigger an invalid state transition on the trade model.
isType(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeEvent
Confirms that the TradeEvent is of a certain type


Leg - Interface in com.caplin.trading
Trades are comprised of one or more trade legs, each representing the exchange of a financial instrument and the resultant cashflow.
LegAction - Interface in com.caplin.trading
The LegAction interface represents a change to the legs that make up a trade.
LegAction.LegActionType - Enum in com.caplin.trading
An enumeration of possible actions that can be performed on a leg.
logTradingSystemMessage(Level, String) - Method in class com.caplin.trading.TradingProvider
Log a message to the TradingProvider message logger.


onPeerStatus(PeerStatusEvent) - Method in class com.caplin.trading.TradingProvider


peerDown(int) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradingApplicationListener
Called when a peer connection is lost.
peerUp(int) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradingApplicationListener
Called when a peer connection is established.


receiveBlotterEvent(BlotterEvent) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.BlotterTradeListener
Called when a BlotterEvent is generated by the TradingDataSource.
receiveEvent(TradeEvent) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeListener
Called when an event is generated (usually as a result of a client action) that causes the Trade to transition from one state to another.
receiveInvalidFieldsEvent(InvalidFieldsEvent) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeListener
A state transition defined in the trade model configuration can specify message fields that are relevant to that transition (see the document Caplin Trading: Trade Model Configuration XML Reference).
receiveInvalidTransitionEvent(InvalidTransitionEvent) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeListener
Called when a client event would trigger an invalid state transition in the trade model (that is, the triggering event is not valid for the current state of the trade model, or the trade model state requires that the event originates from the server, not the client).
REMOVE - com.caplin.trading.LegAction.LegActionType
Value that represents a leg being removed from a trade.
removeBlotterTradeListener(BlotterChannel, BlotterTradeListener) - Method in class com.caplin.trading.TradingProvider
RESTORE - com.caplin.trading.EventSource
restoreTrade(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeChannel
Creates a trade object to faciliate restoration of a trade with a client.


sendBlotterItem(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.BlotterChannel
Sends a record update for the requested blotter item (container based blotters only).
sendBlotterMessage(BlotterMessage) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.BlotterChannel
Sends a blotter message across this channel.
sendErrorEvent(TradeErrorEvent) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Trade
Sends a TradeErrorEvent created by this Trade.
sendEvent(TradeEvent) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Trade
Sends an TradeEvent created by this Trade.
sendSubjectStatus(String, SubjectStatus) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeChannel
Send a status message via the underlying channel for the subject
SERVER - com.caplin.trading.EventSource
setInitialTimestamp(Date) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeEvent
Sets LTY_INIT_TS field to this TradeEvent.
setRestorationId(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeEvent
Sets an id that will identify a trade restoration message.
setTradeChannelListener(TradeChannelListener) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeChannel
Sets the ChannelListener for this TradeChannel.
setTradeListener(TradeListener) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.Trade
Sets the TradeListener for this trade.


terminate() - Method in class com.caplin.trading.TradingProvider
Closes all channels and cleans up all trades.
toKey() - Method in enum com.caplin.trading.EventSource
toString() - Method in enum com.caplin.trading.EventSource
Trade - Interface in com.caplin.trading
A single Trade active in the system.
TradeChannel - Interface in com.caplin.trading
An open trade messaging communications channel with an end user.
TradeChannelListener - Interface in com.caplin.trading
Provides notifications relating to the Trade lifecycle.
tradeClosed(Trade) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeChannelListener
Called when a trade has closed due to it reaching a terminal state, or the channel is being closed while the trade is in progress.
tradeCreated(Trade) - Method in interface com.caplin.trading.TradeChannelListener
Called when a new trade is initiated by a client.
TradeErrorEvent - Interface in com.caplin.trading
TradeEvent - Interface in com.caplin.trading
A single event acting on a Trade.
TradeException - Exception in com.caplin.trading
Used for all errors raised by the Trading DataSource, or raised by user code that needs to notify the Trading DataSource of an exception during a callback.
TradeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.caplin.trading.TradeException
TradeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.caplin.trading.TradeException
TradeListener - Interface in com.caplin.trading
Used to receive TradeEvents from the system.
TradingApplicationListener - Interface in com.caplin.trading
Use the TradingApplicationListener interface to be notified of TradeChannel and BlotterChannel lifecycle events.
TradingProvider - Class in com.caplin.trading
All Trading DataSource applications must create an instance of this class.
TradingProvider(TradingApplicationListener, DataSource) - Constructor for class com.caplin.trading.TradingProvider
Creates a TradingProvider that uses, for Liberator communication, a preconfigured DataSource passed to the constructor.
TradingProvider(TradingApplicationListener, DataSource, Properties) - Constructor for class com.caplin.trading.TradingProvider
Creates a TradingProvider that uses, for Liberator communication, a preconfigured DataSource passed to the constructor.


UPDATE - com.caplin.trading.LegAction.LegActionType
Value that represents the state of an existing leg being changed, such as an update to the value of one or more leg fields.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.caplin.trading.EventSource
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.caplin.trading.LegAction.LegActionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.caplin.trading.EventSource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.caplin.trading.LegAction.LegActionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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