Package com.caplin.server.auth

Provides the core interfaces and classes that are required to write a Liberator Auth Module.

See: Description

Package com.caplin.server.auth Description

Provides the core interfaces and classes that are required to write a Liberator Auth Module. The most important of these is Authenticator, which is the interface that must be implemented by a class that wants to operate as a Liberator Auth Module.

The AuthenticatorAdaptor provides a default implementation of the Authenticator interface. It may be used as-is for basic open authentication or extended for simple authentication schemes.

Implementations of all of the following interfaces are passed in to the Authenticator's intitialise method. They can then be used at a later time to perform functions or access information from the server.

The SessionManager interface allows an Authenticator to manage connected sessions. Sessions may be ejected or invalidated by a number of criteria such as machine ID and application ID. Invalidation of a session forces the Liberator to re-check all (or a subset, depending on the InvalidationType specified) permissions for that session. An individual object may also be invalidated forcing Liberator to re-check all permissions for that object on all sessions.

The ServerNode interface provides access to information about the server and session counts.

The DelayedResultReceiver interface is used to return authentication results asynchronously. This is of particular use when the authentication mechanism relies on an external or remote service that may take some time providing information required to make an authentication decision. By utilising this mechanism potential performance issues that synchronous (blocking) calls can introduce are avoided.

Other classes such as AuthenticationUser, UserSession, MapObject and RTTPObject provide representations of their respective objects within the Liberator server.

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