

The TOBOUserService is the interface designed for managing the activities of a client user who is permissioned to trade on behalf of other (TOBO) users. The interface provides a way to obtain the list of TOBO users and their respective accounts which the logged-in user can trade upon, as well as querying and setting the current TOBO user and account selected. An interface is also provided to notify the service when a trade is started or ended so that the TOBOUserService can manage and alter the logged-in users's ability to trade, switch accounts, or perform other TOBO-related activities while a trade is ongoing.

Implementations of a TOBOUserService should be registered with the caplin.core.ServiceRegistry#registerService method.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

The TOBOUserService interface — this should never be constructed.

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void addListener( oListener)

Adds a listener which will be notified when the TOBOUserService state is changed.

void canPerformTrade()

This method can be used to query whether the logged-in user can perform a trade on behalf of the currently TOBO user.

void canTradeOnBehalfOf()

This method can be used to query whether the logged-in user can trade on behalf of other users.

String getAccount()

Returns the account of the currently selected TOBO user which is being used by the logged-in user.

String getTradeOnBehalfOfUser()

Returns the TOBO user whom the logged-in user is trading on behalf of.

String getUserType()

Returns the user type of the logged-in user.

void removeListener( oListener)

Removes a listener on the TOBOUserService.

void setAccount()

Called to set the current TOBO user's account to be used for trading by the logged-in user.

void setTradeOnBehalfOfUser()

Called to set the TOBO user whom the logged-in user wishes to trade on behalf of.

void tradeFinished()

This method is called by the trading components to notify the TOBOUserService when a trade has finished.

void tradeStarted()

This method is called by the trading components to notify the TOBOUserService when a trade has started.

Constructor Detail

The TOBOUserService interface — this should never be constructed.

Method Detail

void addListener( oListener)

Adds a listener which will be notified when the TOBOUserService state is changed. The listener must be an instance of

Parameters oListener Listener object.

void canPerformTrade()

This method can be used to query whether the logged-in user can perform a trade on behalf of the currently TOBO user.

void canTradeOnBehalfOf()

This method can be used to query whether the logged-in user can trade on behalf of other users.

String getAccount()

Returns the account of the currently selected TOBO user which is being used by the logged-in user.

String getTradeOnBehalfOfUser()

Returns the TOBO user whom the logged-in user is trading on behalf of.

String getUserType()

Returns the user type of the logged-in user. Used to query whether the user is a trader or a user who is allowed to trade on behalf of other users.

void removeListener( oListener)

Removes a listener on the TOBOUserService.

Parameters oListener Listener object.

void setAccount()

Called to set the current TOBO user's account to be used for trading by the logged-in user.

void setTradeOnBehalfOfUser()

Called to set the TOBO user whom the logged-in user wishes to trade on behalf of.

void tradeFinished()

This method is called by the trading components to notify the TOBOUserService when a trade has finished.

void tradeStarted()

This method is called by the trading components to notify the TOBOUserService when a trade has started.