

The TradeService behaves as both a factory and repository for trades. It delegates creation of trades to individual factories that are registered with this service.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void addListener( tradeFactoryListener, Function (optional))

Register a listener to be informed of trade service events.

void addTradeRestoredListener( tradeRestoredListener)

Adds a TradeRestoredListener to this service to listen to trade restoration for trades that don't currently exist on the client.

Array getTrades(Function filter)

Return all trades stored in the trade repository maintained by TradeService.

void registerTradeFactory(Map fieldMap, tradeFactory)

Registers a TradeFactory that will be used to create or restore trades when the the trade contains data that matches the criteria in the map provided.

void removeListener( tradeFactoryListener)

Remove a listener from being informed of trade service events.

void removeTrade(String cequestID)

Remove completed trade from the service.

void removeTradeRestoredListener( tradeRestoredListener)

Removes a TradeRestoredListener from listening to newly restored trades. restoreExistingTrade( trade, Map fieldMap)

Invoked from the TradeMessageService. restoreNewTrade(Map fieldMap)

Invoked from the TradeMessageService.

Constructor Detail

Method Detail

void addListener( tradeFactoryListener, Function (optional))

Register a listener to be informed of trade service events.

Parameters tradeFactoryListener The listener to be informed of the events.
Function (optional) filter allows filtering of returned trades. This function should take a {} as its only argument, and should return true if the given Trade is accepted by the filter, and false otherwise.

void addTradeRestoredListener( tradeRestoredListener)

Adds a TradeRestoredListener to this service to listen to trade restoration for trades that don't currently exist on the client. If the trade exists on the client, you should add the listener to the Trade object itself.

Parameters tradeRestoredListener The listener to add.

Array getTrades(Function filter)

Return all trades stored in the trade repository maintained by TradeService.

Function filter (Optional) Allows filtering of returned trades. This function should take a {} as its only argument, and should return true if the given Trade is accepted by the filter, and false otherwise.
{Array} A list of trades accepted by the filter, or all trades if no filter is provided.

void registerTradeFactory(Map fieldMap, tradeFactory)

Registers a TradeFactory that will be used to create or restore trades when the the trade contains data that matches the criteria in the map provided. It is possible to register multiple trade factory objects with maps that may match. In this scenario the factory that has been registered first will be used.

Map fieldMap The field map to be used to match trade data. tradeFactory The TradeFactory.

void removeListener( tradeFactoryListener)

Remove a listener from being informed of trade service events.

Parameters tradeFactoryListener The listener to be removed.

void removeTrade(String cequestID)

Remove completed trade from the service.

String cequestID

void removeTradeRestoredListener( tradeRestoredListener)

Removes a TradeRestoredListener from listening to newly restored trades.

Parameters tradeRestoredListener The listener to remove. restoreExistingTrade( trade, Map fieldMap)

Invoked from the TradeMessageService.

Parameters trade
Map fieldMap
{} restoreNewTrade(Map fieldMap)

Invoked from the TradeMessageService.

Map fieldMap