Caplin Trader 4.3.1

Class: module:br/presenter/node/ToolTipField


A PresentationNode containing all of the attributes necessary to model an input field on screen with a tool tip box that will be displayed when a validation error has been produced.

The element you are modeling with this field should have as css property the tooltipClassName in order to control wich is the filed on error. This css class will be set by the module:br/presenter/util/ErrorMonitor. Also, see module:br/presenter/control/tooltip/TooltipControl on how to model the tool tip box.


new module:br/presenter/node/ToolTipField(vValue)

Constructs a new instance of ToolTipField.
Name Type Description
vValue Object (optional) The initial value of the field, either using a primitive type or as a module:br/presenter/property/EditableProperty.




Returns the path that would be required to bind this node from the view.

This method is used internally, but might also be useful in allowing the dynamic construction of views for arbitrary presentation models.

Inherited From:

nodes(sNodeName, vProperties)

Returns all nested nodes matching the search criteria reachable from this node.

Care is taken not to search up the tree in cyclic presentation models (where some of the presentation nodes have back references to presentation nodes higher up in the tree).

Name Type Description
sNodeName String The name of nodes to match.
vProperties Object Only nodes having this array or map of properties will be matched.
Inherited From:

properties(sPropertyName, vValue)

Returns all nested properties matching the search criteria reachable from this node.

Care is taken not to search up the tree in cyclic presentation models (where some of the presentation nodes have back references to presentation nodes higher up in the tree).

Name Type Description
sPropertyName String The name of properties to match.
vValue Object The value of properties to match.
Inherited From:


Inherited From:
  • This method has been replaced by #removeChildListeners which recurses the node tree. Removes all listeners attached to the properties contained by this PresentationNode.


    Removes all listeners attached to the properties contained by this PresentationNode, and any nodes it contains.
    Inherited From: