Caplin Trader 4.3.1

Class: module:caplin/grid/filter/LogicalFilterExpression/Operator


Represents a particular logical operation that can be performed by a module:caplin/grid/filter/LogicalFilterExpression.


new module:caplin/grid/filter/LogicalFilterExpression/Operator(sSymbol, sDescription, sTagName)

This constructor should never be invoked. The module:caplin/grid/filter/LogicalFilterExpression/Operator.AND and module:caplin/grid/filter/LogicalFilterExpression/Operator.OR constants should be used instead.
Name Type Description
sSymbol String The symbol used for the operator within the expression syntax.
sDescription String A brief description of the operator.
sTagName String The tag name used to serialize the operator.


(static) AND :module:caplin/grid/filter/LogicalFilterExpression/Operator

Represents that a logical AND will be performed by the LogicalFilterExpression. A record will only be returned if it matches all of the expressions that have been added to it.

(static) OR :module:caplin/grid/filter/LogicalFilterExpression/Operator

Represents that a logical OR will be performed by the LogicalFilterExpression. A record will be returned if it matches at least one of the expressions that have been added to it.