Caplin Trader 5.0.0

Class: module:ct-core/log/LogRecord

module:ct-core/log/LogRecord(time, level, logData, id)

new module:ct-core/log/LogRecord(time, level, logData, id)

A LogRecord is used for storing log messages when the expense of rendering them to a string should be postponed until later.

Name Type Description
time Number

the time this message was logged, in milliseconds since the epoc.

level String

the level it was logged at, equivalent to the method call on a module:ct-core/log/Logger.

logData Array

all the data that should be logged.

id id

a unique identifier for this log record.


toString() → {String}

Renders a LogRecord to a string.


a string representation of this LogRecord. Will not be null.
