Caplin Trader 5.0.0

Interface: module:ct-trading/trademodel/TradeMessageService


The TradeMessageService interface — this should never be constructed.

The TradeMessageService is the interface between a module:ct-trading/trademodel/Trade and the connector that will perform the actual communication with the back-end trading system. Messages are sent from the client to the server using the module:ct-trading/trademodel/TradeMessageService#sendTradeEvent method. Messages are received from the server by the client using the module:ct-trading/trademodel/Trade#processServerEvent method.

It is the responsibility of the TradeMessageService to store references to module:ct-trading/trademodel/Trade objects when the module:ct-trading/trademodel/TradeMessageService#sendTradeEvent method is invoked, and to be able to pair return messages from the server with previously stored module:ct-trading/trademodel/Trade objects so that the module:ct-trading/trademodel/Trade#processServerEvent method can be called on the appropriate object.



Registers the specified trade with the trade subscriber. Will throw an exception if the object passed in is not an instance of ct-trading/trademodel/Trade

Name Type Description
oTrade module:ct-trading/trademodel/Trade

the trade object. May not be null.


Unregisters the specified trade with the trade subscriber. The trade subscriber may now clean up any allocated resources for that trade.

Name Type Description
oTrade module:ct-trading/trademodel/Trade

the trade object. May not be null.

sendTradeEvent(sEventName, oTrade, oData)

SendTradeEvent is called by the Trade when it wishes to send some data to the server.

Name Type Description
sEventName String

the event name that should be sent to the server. May not be null.

oTrade module:ct-trading/trademodel/Trade

the trade object. May not be null.

oData module:ct-trading/trademodel/DataHolder

the data sent with this event. May not be null.