CreateActivePublisher Method (nameSpace, provider)
NamespacesCaplin.DataSourceIDataSourceCreateActivePublisher(INamespace, IDataProvider)
Creates an active publisher for the specified namespace.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
IActivePublisher CreateActivePublisher(
	INamespace nameSpace,
	IDataProvider provider
Function CreateActivePublisher ( _
	nameSpace As INamespace, _
	provider As IDataProvider _
) As IActivePublisher
IActivePublisher^ CreateActivePublisher(
	INamespace^ nameSpace, 
	IDataProvider^ provider
nameSpace (INamespace)
The namespace (see remarks).
provider (IDataProvider)
Your implementation of IDataProvider that the publisher will call.
Return Value
A active publisher for the supplied namespace.

An IActivePublisher publishes updates that are for subjects within the specified INamespace, to all peers that have subscribed to those subjects. Because it does not maintain a cache, this publisher passes all requests and the final discard for such subjects on to the IDataProvider.

Assembly: DataSource.NET (Module: DataSource.NET) Version: (