Interface RecordType2Message

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Message, RecordMessage

    public interface RecordType2Message
    extends RecordMessage

    Interface for populating Type 2 Record messages, adding fields by field name.


    Type 2 data represents market depth, and an instance of an RecordType2Message represents a market maker or level with an order book. Note that a Record with a given Subject can contain Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 data. For an illustration of how Type 2 data is structured see the document DataSource Overview.


    To construct a RecordType2Message use the MessageFactory obtained from the Publisher interface; objects implementing RecordType2Message cannot be instantiated directly.

    Note: After publishing a message, do not reuse the message (e.g. change the content, republish) as this can cause issues.

    • Method Detail

      • getType2IndexField

        java.lang.String getType2IndexField()
        Retrieves the fieldname that is used for the Type2 index.
        The Type2 index field.
      • getType2Index

        java.lang.String getType2Index()
        Retrieves the Type2 index value.
        The Type2 index value.
      • getDeleteEntryFlag

        boolean getDeleteEntryFlag()
        Gets a value indicating whether this Type2 index should be deleted.
        True if the Type2 index should be deleted; otherwise false.
      • setDeleteEntryFlag

        void setDeleteEntryFlag​(java.lang.Boolean deleteEntryFlag)
        Sets a value indicating whether this Type2 index should be deleted.
        deleteEntryFlag - True if the Type2 index should be deleted; otherwise false .
      • getClearFlag

        boolean getClearFlag()
        Gets a value indicating whether all the Type2 data should be cleared.
        True if all the Type2 data should be cleared; otherwise false.
      • setClearFlag

        void setClearFlag​(java.lang.Boolean clearFlag)
        Sets a value indicating whether all Type2 data should be cleared.
        clearFlag - True if all Type2 data should be cleared; otherwise false .