Class DefaultDisplayFields

  • public final class DefaultDisplayFields
    extends Object
    Static builder methods to build standard DisplayField items
    • Method Detail

      • addClient

        public static DisplayFields addClient​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                              String entityDescription,
                                              String fullName)
        Adds the Client field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        entityDescription - The display name of the TOBO client's entity, e.g. "Caplin Systems Ltd"
        fullName - The display name of the TOBO client, e.g. "John Smith"
      • addCurrencyPair

        public static DisplayFields addCurrencyPair​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                    String currencyPair)
        Adds the Currency Pair field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        currencyPair - The base and term currency e.g. GBPUSD
      • addSettlementCurrency

        public static DisplayFields addSettlementCurrency​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                          String currency)
        Adds the Settlement Currency field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        currency - The settlement currency of a non-deliverable deal, e.g. GBP
      • addDate

        public static DisplayFields addDate​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                            LocalDate date)
        Adds a Date field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        date - Date
      • addTime

        public static DisplayFields addTime​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                            Instant time)
        Adds a Time field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        time - Time instant
      • addTraderSpotRate

        public static DisplayFields addTraderSpotRate​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                      FormattedRate traderSpotRate)
        Adds the Trader Spot Rate field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        traderSpotRate - The trader spot rate
      • addSpotMargin

        public static DisplayFields addSpotMargin​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                  FormattedPoints spotMargin)
        Adds the Spot Margin field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        spotMargin - The spot margin
      • addClientSpotRate

        public static DisplayFields addClientSpotRate​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                      FormattedRate clientSpotRate)
        Adds the Client Spot Rate field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        clientSpotRate - The client spot rate, e.g. 1.23456
      • addSpotRate

        public static DisplayFields addSpotRate​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                FormattedRate spotRate)
        Adds the Spot Rate field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        spotRate - The (client) spot rate, e.g. 1.23456
      • addTotalDeals

        public static DisplayFields addTotalDeals​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                  int totalDeals)
        Adds the Total Deals field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        totalDeals - The number of deals included in the confirmation, e.g. for an allocation or reprice.
      • addEstimatedProfit

        public static DisplayFields addEstimatedProfit​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                       FormattedAmount profit)
        Adds the Estimated Profit field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        profit - The profit amount
      • addAmount

        public static DisplayFields addAmount​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                              FormattedAmount amount)
        Adds the Amount field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        amount - The amount
      • addContraAmount

        public static DisplayFields addContraAmount​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                    FormattedAmount contraAmount)
        Adds the Contra Amount field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        contraAmount - The contra amount
      • addSettlement

        public static DisplayFields addSettlement​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                  LocalDate date,
                                                  String tenor)
        Adds the Settlement field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        date - The settlement date
        tenor - Optional tenor, to be displayed in brackets after the settlement date
      • addFixingDate

        public static DisplayFields addFixingDate​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                  LocalDate date)
        Adds the Fixing Date field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        date - The fixing date
      • addFixingSource

        public static DisplayFields addFixingSource​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                    String fixingSource)
        Adds the Fixing Source field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        fixingSource - The fixing source
      • addAccount

        public static DisplayFields addAccount​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                               String account)
        Adds the Account field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        account - The account description
      • addRate

        public static DisplayFields addRate​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                            FormattedRate rate)
        Adds the Rate field to your display-fields configuration
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        rate - The rate value
      • addDefaultSalesAllocationConfirmationFields

        public static DisplayFields addDefaultSalesAllocationConfirmationFields​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                                                String entityDescription,
                                                                                String fullName,
                                                                                String currencyPair,
                                                                                LocalDate executionDate,
                                                                                Instant executionDateTime,
                                                                                FormattedRate traderSpotRate,
                                                                                FormattedPoints spotMargin,
                                                                                FormattedRate clientSpotRate,
                                                                                Integer totalDeals,
                                                                                FormattedAmount profit)
        Adds the default deliverable deal display fields for a Sales Allocation confirmation message: - Client - Currency Pair - Execution Date Time - Trader Spot Rate - Spot Margin - Client Spot Rate - Total Deals - Estimated Profit
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        entityDescription - The value matching the EntityDescription fields on a trade confirmation.
        fullName - The value matching the FullName field on a trade confirmation
        currencyPair - The value matching the CurrencyPair field on a trade confirmation.
        executionDate - The execution date
        executionDateTime - The execution date time
        traderSpotRate - The value matching the TraderSpotRate field on your Sales trade confirmation
        spotMargin - The value matching the SpotMargin field on your Sales trade confirmation@param spotMargin
        clientSpotRate - The value matching the SpotRate field on your trade confirmation
        totalDeals - The number of allocated or repriced deals.
        profit - The value matching the Profit field on your trade confirmation
      • addDefaultSalesAllocationConfirmationFields

        public static DisplayFields addDefaultSalesAllocationConfirmationFields​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                                                String entityDescription,
                                                                                String fullName,
                                                                                String currencyPair,
                                                                                LocalDate executionDate,
                                                                                Instant executionDateTime,
                                                                                FormattedRate traderSpotRate,
                                                                                FormattedPoints spotMargin,
                                                                                FormattedRate clientSpotRate,
                                                                                Integer totalDeals,
                                                                                FormattedAmount profit,
                                                                                String settlementCurrency,
                                                                                String fixingSource)
        Adds the default display fields for a Sales Allocation confirmation message: - Client - Currency Pair - Settlement Currency (if non-deliverable) - Fixing Source (if non-deliverable) - Date - Time - Trader Spot Rate - Spot Margin - Client Spot Rate - Total Deals - Estimated Profit
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        entityDescription - The value matching the EntityDescription fields on a trade confirmation.
        fullName - The value matching the FullName field on a trade confirmation
        currencyPair - The value matching the CurrencyPair field on a trade confirmation.
        executionDate - The execution date in ISO format.
        executionDateTime - The execution date time in ISO format. May optionally contain milliseconds.
        traderSpotRate - The value matching the TraderSpotRate field on your Sales trade confirmation
        spotMargin - The value matching the SpotMargin field on your Sales trade confirmation@param spotMargin
        clientSpotRate - The value matching the SpotRate field on your trade confirmation
        totalDeals - The number of allocated or repriced deals.
        profit - The value matching the Profit field on your trade confirmation
        settlementCurrency - The settlement currency for a non-deliverable deal
        fixingSource - The fixing source for a non-deliverable deal
      • addDefaultAllocationConfirmationFields

        public static DisplayFields addDefaultAllocationConfirmationFields​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                                           String entityDescription,
                                                                           String fullName,
                                                                           String currencyPair,
                                                                           LocalDate executionDate,
                                                                           Instant executionDateTime,
                                                                           FormattedRate spotRate,
                                                                           Integer totalDeals,
                                                                           FormattedAmount profit)
        Adds the default display fields for an Allocation confirmation message: - Client - Currency Pair - Date - Time - Spot Rate - Total Deals - Estimated Profit
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        entityDescription - The value matching the EntityDescription fields on a trade confirmation.
        fullName - The value matching the FullName field on a trade confirmation
        currencyPair - The value matching the CurrencyPair field on a trade confirmation.
        executionDate - The date the trade was executed.
        executionDateTime - The execution date time in ISO format. May optionally contain milliseconds.param executionDateTime
        spotRate - The value matching the SpotRate field on your trade confirmation
        totalDeals - The number of allocated or repriced deals.
        profit - The value matching the Profit field on your trade confirmation
      • addDefaultSalesAllocationDetailsUpdateFields

        public static DisplayFields addDefaultSalesAllocationDetailsUpdateFields​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                                                 FormattedAmount originalAmount,
                                                                                 FormattedAmount originalContraAmount,
                                                                                 String currencyPair,
                                                                                 LocalDate originalSettlementDate,
                                                                                 String originalTenor,
                                                                                 String originalAccount,
                                                                                 FormattedRate originalRate)
        Adds the default deliverable deal display fields for a Sales Allocation details-update message: - Original Amount - Original Contra - Currency Pair - Settlement - Account - Original Rate
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        originalAmount - The original amount
        originalContraAmount - The original contra amount
        currencyPair - The currency pair
        originalSettlementDate - The original settlement date
        originalTenor - Optional original tenor
        originalAccount - The original account
        originalRate - The original rate
      • addDefaultSalesAllocationDetailsUpdateFields

        public static DisplayFields addDefaultSalesAllocationDetailsUpdateFields​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                                                 FormattedAmount originalAmount,
                                                                                 FormattedAmount originalContraAmount,
                                                                                 String currencyPair,
                                                                                 LocalDate originalSettlementDate,
                                                                                 String originalTenor,
                                                                                 String originalAccount,
                                                                                 FormattedRate originalRate,
                                                                                 LocalDate fixingDate,
                                                                                 String settlementCurrency,
                                                                                 String fixingSource)
        Adds the default display fields for a Sales Allocation details-update message: - Amount - Contra Amount - Currency Pair - Settlement Currency (if non-deliverable) - Settlement - Fixing Date (if non-deliverable) - Fixing Source (if non-deliverable) - Account - Original Rate
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        originalAmount - The original amount
        originalContraAmount - The original contra amount
        currencyPair - The currency pair
        originalSettlementDate - The original settlement date
        originalTenor - Optional original tenor
        originalAccount - The original account
        originalRate - The original rate
        fixingDate - The fixing date for a non-deliverable trade
        settlementCurrency - The settlement currency for a non-deliverable trade
        fixingSource - The fixing source for a non-deliverable trade
      • addDefaultAllocationDetailsUpdateFields

        public static DisplayFields addDefaultAllocationDetailsUpdateFields​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                                            FormattedAmount originalAmount,
                                                                            FormattedAmount originalContraAmount,
                                                                            String currencyPair,
                                                                            LocalDate originalSettlementDate,
                                                                            String originalTenor,
                                                                            String originalAccount,
                                                                            FormattedRate originalRate)
        Adds the default deliverable deal display fields for an Allocation details-update message: - Original Amount - Original Contra - Currency Pair - Settlement - Account - Original Rate
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        originalAmount - The original amount
        originalContraAmount - The original contra amount
        currencyPair - The currency pair
        originalSettlementDate - The original settlement date
        originalTenor - Optional original tenor
        originalAccount - The original account
        originalRate - The original rate
      • addDefaultAllocationDetailsUpdateFields

        public static DisplayFields addDefaultAllocationDetailsUpdateFields​(DisplayFields displayFields,
                                                                            FormattedAmount originalAmount,
                                                                            FormattedAmount originalContraAmount,
                                                                            String currencyPair,
                                                                            LocalDate originalSettlementDate,
                                                                            String originalTenor,
                                                                            String originalAccount,
                                                                            FormattedRate originalRate,
                                                                            LocalDate fixingDate)
        Adds the default display fields for an Allocation details-update message: - Original Amount - Original Contra - Currency Pair - Settlement - Original Fixing Date (if non-deliverable) - Account - Original Rate
        displayFields - The DisplayFields to add the field to
        originalAmount - The original amount
        originalContraAmount - The original contra amount
        currencyPair - The currency pair
        originalSettlementDate - The original settlement date
        originalTenor - Optional original tenor
        originalAccount - The original account
        originalRate - The original rate
        fixingDate - The fixing date for a non-deliverable trade