All Implemented Interfaces:

@Deprecated public class IfDoneOCOStrategy extends MotifOrderStrategy

Represents the contingent order strategy If Done then One Cancels the Other.

The structure of this order is defined as:
  • Parent Order
    • Take Profit
    • Stop Loss
  • Constructor Details

    • IfDoneOCOStrategy

      public IfDoneOCOStrategy( trade, String tradingSubProtocol, String currencyPair, String user, String toboUser, String remarks, Set<AlertType> alertTypes, String requestId, String account, List<Order> orders, ActivationDate activationDate, ExpirationDate expirationDate)
      Creates a IfDoneOCOStrategy based on the parameters provided.
      trade - The Trade object from the underlying Trading DataSource library. This contains the field map which the SingleStrategy is built from.
      tradingSubProtocol - The trading sub protocol, used to determine small variations of OrderStrategy.
      currencyPair - The currency pair that the order relates to.
      user - The user who submitted the order.
      toboUser - The trade on behalf of user.
      remarks - he contents of the free-form text field that can be filled in when submitting the order.
      alertTypes - A set of AlertTypes that should be used when the order is filled, such as SMS or email.
      requestId - The client-generated unique identifier for the order.
      account - The account that the order relates to.
      orders - The list of orders that make up this strategy.
      activationDate - The date and time that this order should be activated on.
      expirationDate - The date and time that this order should expire.
  • Method Details

    • getParentOrder

      public Order getParentOrder()
      Returns the parent order, which can be of any type, except CALL
      The parent order
    • getTakeProfitOrder

      public Order getTakeProfitOrder()
      Returns the take profit child order from within the OCO.
      The take profit order
    • getStopLossOrder

      public Order getStopLossOrder()
      Returns the stop loss child order from within the OCO.
      The stop loss order