All Classes and Interfaces

Adapter class implementing the ConnectionListener methods
Adapter class implementing the SubscriptionListener methods
Represents a channel to a subject on the Liberator.
Interface for receiving updates on the channel from the Liberator.
Provides information about updates to a chat subject.
Enumeration that defines the type of the ChatEvent.
Provides error information for commands.
Enumeration defining the errors that can occur for a command.
Defines the interface that you should implement to receive information on the result of a command.
Interface that defines parameters for a CommandSubscription.
Provides result information for commands.
Defines the interface that you should implement to receive information on the result of a command.
Stored information on the subscription and lets you unpersist the command.
Defines the interface for receiving information about changes in the state of the StreamLink connection, the data services available from the Liberator, and the DataSources that are normally connected to the Liberator.
Enumeration that defines the state of a StreamLink connection to a Liberator.
Provides information about a change in status of the connection to the Liberator.
Utility class to aid debugging.
Representation of a subject that is within a container.
Represents an update to a container subject.
A factory for creating FilterExpressions for use in the ContainerSubscriptionParameters select method.
This interface defines a model that represents a container.
Defines the parameters used for Container subscriptions.
Encapsulates authentication information used to log in to a Liberator server.
This interface defines how to provide the user credentials that StreamLink uses to log into a Liberator server.
Interface that your custom implementation of CredentialsProvider must call to provide credential information to StreamLink.
Provides access to fundamental information about subscription events relating to changes in data, such as the subject and the type of event that has occurred.
Provides information about a change to a directory element.
Provides information about a change to a directory.
Enumeration that defines the reasons for an error being raised in a SubscriptionErrorEvent or a CommandErrorEvent.
Interface that represents a filter expression.
Enumeration that represents a particular logical operation.
Enumeration that represents the operators that are available for a FieldFilterExpression.
A FreeFormSubscriptionParameters instance allows you to pass parameters to subscriptions for subject types that are not records or containers.
Represents a JSON channel to a subject on the Liberator.
Interface for receiving updates on the JSON channel from the Liberator.
Provides information about a JSON message.
Handler for parsing and patching JSON objects
Defines the parameters used for Json subscriptions.
The set of cookies provided by this interface will be sent with KeyMaster connections.
The set of headers provided by this interface will be sent with KeyMaster connections.
Defines the interface that should be implemented by the application to receive KeyMaster keep alive Responses.
The Liberators provided by this interface will be tried in sequence until a connection is established, return null when there are no more Liberators to try.
Allows StreamLink log messages to be written to the destination of your choice.
Enumeration that defines the reason for a failed login.
Stores log information including message and level of a log entry.
Enumeration that represents the available logging levels.
Interface for receiving log messages from the StreamLink application.
Provides information about a news headline update.
A Notification is an object that can be sent to notify a user of a particular event.
Interface that should be implemented to receive notification change callbacks from the NotificationProvider
A NotificationService subscribes to a Notifications container of the StreamLink user and allows the user to register a listener to be called when notifications are triggered or dismissed.
Provides information about a single text change for the given row and column in a Page.
Provides information about a change to data in a Page.
Enumeration defining the types of payload used on commands
Provides information about a change to permission data.
Defines the parameters used for Record subscriptions.
Provides information about a change to type 1 data (fieldname and data pairs) in a record.
Provides information about a change to type 2 data in a record.
Provides information about a change to type 3 data in a record.
An interface that can be registered to be called back when an operation completes.
Enumeration that defines the status of a Service.
Provides information about the change in status of a data service to which StreamLink is connected via the Liberator.
Enumeration that defines the status of a source.
Provides information about the change in status of an Integration Adapter to which StreamLink is connected via the Liberator.
Provides access to the statistics relating to an instance of StreamLink.
Provides information about a change to story data in a Story.
Defines the StreamLink interface.
Interface that allows the configuration of StreamLink to be defined programmatically.
Factory that creates StreamLink instances.
Enumeration that represents the available subject types.
Represents a subscription to a subject on the Liberator.
Provides information about a subscription error.
Enumeration which represents the errors that can occur for a subject.
Interface for receiving updates to subscribed data from the Liberator.
The base interface for defining parameters that apply to Subscriptions.
Provides information about a change in the state of a subscription.
Enumeration that defines the status of a subject.
Enumeration that defines the available throttle levels and throttle commands.
A Trigger is an object associated with a particular RTTP subject that contains a condition (on the given subjects fields) that when met will trigger a notification message.
Interface that should be implemented to receive trigger change callbacks from the TriggerProvider
A TriggerService subscribes to the Triggers of a StreamLink user and allows the user to register a listener to be called back when triggers are added, removed or modified.
Enumeration that defines the different states a Trigger can be in
Contains the parameters needed to call a specific Liberator web module.