

Stores log information including message and level of a log entry.

This will be passed into any caplin.streamlink.LogListener#onLog method of any caplin.streamlink.LogListener registered at an appropriate caplin.streamlink.LogLevel. The LogListener can then get the log line using the caplin.streamlink.LogInfo#getMessage method. See caplin.streamlink.LogListener.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void getDate()


Returns the date for this log entry.

void getLevel()


Returns the log level for this log entry.

void getMessage()


Returns the message text for this log entry.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

void getDate()


Returns the date for this log entry.

* @returns {Date} The date for this log level.

void getLevel()


Returns the log level for this log entry.

* @returns {caplin.streamlink.LogLevel} The log level.

void getMessage()


Returns the message text for this log entry.

* @returns {String} The message text.