

Provides information about a change in the state of a subscription.

The SubscriptionStatusEvent will be provided on a onSubscriptionStatus callback to a caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionListener.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void getFields()


Returns any fields associated with the status event.

void getStatus()


Returns the new status of the subject of the subscription.

void getSubject()


Returns the subject of the subscription to which the event relates.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

void getFields()


Returns any fields associated with the status event.

* *

The fields may contain metadata related to the event, the known keys are "code" and "status".

* * @returns {Object} the fields

void getStatus()


Returns the new status of the subject of the subscription.

* @returns {caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionStatusType} The new status.

void getSubject()


Returns the subject of the subscription to which the event relates.

* @returns {String} The subject.