All Classes and Interfaces

A class for encoding and decoding to and from Base64.
Allows a Transformer module to retrieve certain config elements from the transformer
Created by Jasono on 10/11/2015.
Allows a Transformer module to retrieve or remove data from the Transformer core's cache.
Thrown when an attempt to put an object into the Transformer fails.
The interface that must be implemented by a class that will actively publish data for DataSource objects that match a specific name pattern.
Allows a Transformer module to register itself with the Transformer core as a provider or source of data.
Allows the Transformer module to access information about an update that has been received.
Extends DSData to provide helper methods for sending Container objects.
This interface should be implemented by a class that needs to send data to DataSource peers (for example, a Caplin Liberator, or another DataSource-enabled application).
Factory for a TransformerData, or one of its subclasses.
This interface should be implemented by a class that represents a field number/value pair.
Transformer module implementation of the DSField interface.
The base interface for any DataSource packet that can be sent to peers.
The interface that should be implemented by an instance of DSPage of the type page.
Extends DSData to provide helper methods for sending Permissions.
The interface that should be implemented by an instance of DSData of the type record.
A DSSerializable implementation represents a DataSource message.
Holds information about a field that is managed by the FieldManager.
Indicates that an attempt to add a field to a FieldManager failed because the maximum number of fields have already been added to it.
Provides field management functionality, including field name/number mapping.
This exception may be thrown by methods that have detected that a String to be decoded is not of a valid length.
Represents the status of an object in the Transformer's cache.
This class defines all the types of objects that are supported by the Transformer.
Pojo to hold key/value pairs for persistence
Interface defining the methods for storing and retrieving values from the Transformers persistence store
Interface defining methods for changes to data stored in the persistence module.
Class that provides access to the Transformer persistence service.
Allows a Transformer Module to register methods for availability in pipelines.
Enumeration defining valid types for methods that can be registered for availability in pipeline modules
Provides a Java Transformer module access to the Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) C Transformer module.
Enumeration that represents the different service states that a particular object can have.
Allows a Transformer module to subscribe, and unsubscribe, listeners interested in receiving updates for objects that match a particular name pattern, or are of a specific object type.
The listener interface for receiving update and object deletion events for a particular subscription.
Allows a Transformer module access to the main interfaces it requires to interact with the Transformer core.
Represents an update for a particular container object.
Implementation of the TransformerContainer interface.
Represents an update for a particular object.
Implementation of the TransformerData interface.
The base class for all exceptions thrown by the Transformer.
Defines flags used by DataCache.put and TransformerData.send.
Defines the interface to be implemented by a Java Transformer module.
Represents an update for a particular record object.
Implementation of the TransformerRecord interface.
Allows sending of UDP commands, and adding or removal of UDP command listeners.
The listener interface for receiving UDP command execution events for a particular command.
Thrown when a problem occurs whilst attempting to remove a UDPCommandListener.
Wrapper exception for an exception that is thrown when attempting to send a UDP message.