Licensing configuration

These configuration items specify the thresholds at which Liberator reports warnings when licence limits are about to be reached, and the uupp- items configure access to the UUPP licence usage database.

For an explanation of the licensing scheme used in the Caplin Platform, and more about how these configuration items are used, see the document Caplin Platform: Guide to User Licensing. The guide also explains the terms on this page that are highlighted like this.

Liberator also supports a simpler scheme for regulating the number of users who can log in to Liberator. See the Auth module configuration items max-user-limit, max-user-ok, max-user-warn and auth-eject-users.


application-usage-warn-level specifies the warning threshold for a client application in the Application Level licensing category.

This is the number of unique logins at which Liberator raises a warning that the license end user count is approaching the license limit for the application. It’s defined as a percentage of the license end user limit for the application.

This item overrides the value of default-application-usage-warn-level.

Syntax: application-usage-warn-level <app-name> <warn-level>

Type: [string] [integer]

Default: (none, but the item is optional, and you can specify an instance for each licensed client application in your system)

  • <app-name> is the name of the client application. You can find the values of <app-name> that are valid for your licence by looking in the Liberator licence file at the application configuration items, which take the form: application <app-name> <max-users> <max-logins-per-user>

  • <warn-level> is the number of unique logins at which the warning is raised. Specify this as a percentage of the license limit for the application.

    • Minimum value: 1 (1%)

    • Maximum value: 99 (99%)


auth-trading-group-report-period specifies the reporting interval, in seconds, for event log messages about licence end user counts in the asset class (trading group) license category.

Syntax: auth-trading-group-report-period <interval-in-seconds>

Type: float

Default value: 3,600 seconds (1 hour)


auth-trading-group-usage-warn-level specifies the warning threshold for a trading group in the Asset Class (Trading Group) licensing category.

This is the number of unique logins at which Liberator raises a warning that the license end user count is approaching the license limit for the trading group. The value is defined as a percentage of the license end user limit for the trading group.

This item overrides the value of default-trading-group-usage-warn-level.

Syntax: auth-trading-group-usage-warn-level <trading-group> <warn-level>

Type: [string] [integer]

Default: (none, but the item is optional, and you can specify an instance for each trading group in your system)

  • <trading-group> is the name of the trading group, in the format <application-id><asset-class>. For example, the trading group called /FX means any application () trading the Foreign Exchange asset class (/FX). You can find the values of <application-id> and <asset-class> that are valid for your licence by looking in the Liberator licence file at the max-traders configuration items, which take the form: max_traders <app-name> <asset-class> <max-users>

  • <warn-level> is the number of unique logins at which the warning is raised. Specify this as a percentage of the license limit for the trading group.

    • Minimum value: 1 (1%)

    • Maximum value: 99 (99%)


auth-unique-applications-report-period specifies the reporting interval, in seconds, for event log messages about license end user counts in the application level licensing and unique users licensing categories.

Syntax: auth-unique-applications-report-period <interval-in-seconds>

Type: float

Default value: 3,600 seconds (1 hour)


default-application-usage-warn-level specifies the default warning threshold for the Application Level licensing category.

This is the number of unique logins at which Liberator raises a warning that the license end user count is approaching the license limit for an application. The value is defined as a percentage of the license end user limit for the application.

This configuration item applies to any client application that doesn’t have a warning threshold defined through application-usage-warn-level.

Syntax: default-application-usage-warn-level <level-in-percent>

Type: integer

Default value: (none)

Values accepted:

  • Minimum: 1 (1%)

  • Maximum: 99 (99%)


default-trading-group-usage-warn-level specifies the default warning threshold for the Asset Class (Trading Group) licensing category.

This is the number of unique logins at which Liberator raises a warning that the license end user count is approaching the license limit for the trading group. The value is defined as a percentage of the license end user limit for the trading group.

This configuration item applies to any trading group that doesn’t have a warning threshold defined through auth-trading-group-usage-warn-level.

Syntax: default-trading-group-usage-warn-level <level-in-percent>

Type: integer

Default value: (none)

Values accepted:

  • Minimum: 1 (1%)

  • Maximum: 99 (99%)


unique-users-usage-warn-level specifies the default warning threshold for a client application in the Unique Users licensing category.

This is the number of unique logins at which Liberator raises a warning that the license end user count is approaching the license limit for this licensing category. The value is defined as a percentage of the license end user limit for the licensing category.

Syntax: unique-users-usage-warn-level <level-in-percent>

Type: integer

Default value: (none)

Values accepted:

  • Minimum: 1 (1%)

  • Maximum: 99 (99%)


uupp-delimiter specifies the delimiter that separates the <username> and <application-id> fields recorded in the UUPP licence usage database. The default is the colon character (<username>:<application-id>). This setting should normally be sufficient, but if your installation could have usernames or application-ids that contain colon characters, you should set the delimiter character to a value that doesn’t clash with these fields.

Syntax: uupp-delimiter <delimiter-character>

Type: character

Default value: : (colon character)


uupp-qdbm-name specifies the location and name of the file containing the UUPP licence usage database.

This configuration item accepts the following substitution tokens:

Syntax: uupp-qdbm-name <file-path-and-name>

Type: string

Default value: %r/users/uupp-%a.db


uupp-sync-time specifies the interval in seconds at which the in-memory UUPP licence usage database is synchronised (written) to disk.

Syntax: uupp-sync-time <time-in-seconds>

Type: float

Default value: 300 seconds (5 minutes)

Also see the auth module configuration items write-users-period and write-users-time in Liberator Auth module configuration, which govern how often the statistics about currently logged in users are written to the in-memory database.

See also: