Caplin.DataSource.Channel.IJsonChannel Interface Reference

Inherited by Caplin.DataSource.Channel.JsonChannel.

Public Member Functions

String GetSubject ()
void Send (Object obj)
void SendSubjectError (String subject, SubjectError error)
void SendSubjectStatus (String subject, SubjectStatus subjectStatus, String statusMessage)

Detailed Description

Represents a JSON channel to a subject on the Liberator.

A Channel provides a bi-directional communication channel between a DataSource adapter and a StreamLink application. Using a Channel in both DataSource and StreamLink provides a simplified

method of communication between the two components and can allow you just to use the Caplin platform as

a bi-directional messaging pipe.

Member Function Documentation

String Caplin.DataSource.Channel.IJsonChannel.GetSubject ( )

Returns the subject name to which the channel relates.

The subject of this channel.
void Caplin.DataSource.Channel.IJsonChannel.Send ( Object  obj)

Sends object as JSON to the channel subject

objthe object to send in JSON format (using the installed JsonHandler to serialize the object to JSON)
void Caplin.DataSource.Channel.IJsonChannel.SendSubjectError ( String  subject,
SubjectError  error 

Sends a subject error event to the peer that opened the channel.

subjectThe subject to send the subject error to.
errorThe SubjectError to be sent.
void Caplin.DataSource.Channel.IJsonChannel.SendSubjectStatus ( String  subject,
SubjectStatus  subjectStatus,
String  statusMessage 

Sends a subject Status event to the peer that opened the channel.

subjectThe subject to send the subject error to.
statusMessageThe statusMessage to send to the peer.
subjectStatusThe SubjectStatus to be sent.

Generated on Fri Apr 21 2023 16:12:41 for DataSource.NET