Caplin.DataSource.Publisher.IDiscardEvent Interface Reference

Event that is raised when a peer discards a subject. More...

Inheritance diagram for Caplin.DataSource.Publisher.IDiscardEvent:

Additional Inherited Members

- Properties inherited from Caplin.DataSource.Publisher.IRequestDiscardEvent
IPeer Peer [get]
 Gets the peer that is making the request or discard. More...
string Subject [get]
 Gets the subject that is being requested or discarded More...

Detailed Description

Event that is raised when a peer discards a subject.

Your implementation must handle the receipt of IRequestDiscardEvents through its ReceiveDiscard method. The number of times the event is received depends on the type of IPublisher that is being used; see the Remarks section of Caplin.DataSource.Publisher.IDataProvider.ReceiveRequest and Caplin.DataSource.Publisher.IDataProvider.ReceiveDiscard.

Generated on Fri Apr 21 2023 16:12:41 for DataSource.NET