Caplin.DataSource.Subscription.ISubjectConsumer< T > Interface Template Reference

Public Member Functions

void OnError (SubjectError subjectError)
void OnNext (T message)
void OnStatus (SubjectStatus subjectStatus)

Detailed Description

The SubjectConsumer interface allows applications to receive json events raised for a subscription.

Note:: the SubjectConsumer methods are not called on a dedicated worker thread. Therefore, if any of these methods are likely take a relatively long time to execute, they should be coded to run in a separate thread.

Member Function Documentation

Called if there is a subscription error

subjectErrorthe subject error
void Caplin.DataSource.Subscription.ISubjectConsumer< T >.OnNext ( message)

Called when an update is received

messagethe message updated
void Caplin.DataSource.Subscription.ISubjectConsumer< T >.OnStatus ( SubjectStatus  subjectStatus)

Called when the object status changes

subjectStatusthe object status

Generated on Fri Apr 21 2023 16:12:41 for DataSource.NET