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Caplin.StreamLink.IConnectionStatusEvent Interface Reference

Provides information about a change in status of the connection to the Liberator. More...


Caplin.StreamLink.ConnectionState ConnectionState [get]
 Returns the new state of a connection the the Liberator. More...
string LiberatorUrl [get]
 Returns the URL of the Liberator connection that this status event has been raised for. More...
Caplin.StreamLink.LoginFailedReason LoginFailReason [get]
 Returns the reason for the login attempt failing. It only makes sense to obtain this value if More...
string Username [get]
 Returns the username that will be used to log in to the Liberator. More...

Detailed Description

Provides information about a change in status of the connection to the Liberator.

The ConnectionStatusEvent is provided on a onConnectionStatusChange callback to a IConnectionListener.

Property Documentation

Caplin.StreamLink.ConnectionState Caplin.StreamLink.IConnectionStatusEvent.ConnectionState

Returns the new state of a connection the the Liberator.

  • The new connection state
string Caplin.StreamLink.IConnectionStatusEvent.LiberatorUrl

Returns the URL of the Liberator connection that this status event has been raised for.

  • The Liberator URL.
Caplin.StreamLink.LoginFailedReason Caplin.StreamLink.IConnectionStatusEvent.LoginFailReason

Returns the reason for the login attempt failing. It only makes sense to obtain this value if

** the ConnectionState is LOGINFAILED.

  • The reason (LoginFailedReason.NONE if not available).
string Caplin.StreamLink.IConnectionStatusEvent.Username

Returns the username that will be used to log in to the Liberator.

  • The username. This is only available when the ConnectionState is CredentialsRetrieved.

Generated on Fri Jan 27 2023 15:51:33 for StreamLink.NET