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Caplin.StreamLink.INewsEvent Interface Reference

Provides information about a news headline update. More...

Inheritance diagram for Caplin.StreamLink.INewsEvent:


string DateTime [get]
 Returns the date/time associated with this headline update. More...
IDictionary< string, string > Fields [get]
 Returns all field/value pairs that were updated in this update. More...
string Headline [get]
 Returns the headline for this update. More...
string StoryCode [get]
 Returns the story code associated with this update. More...

Detailed Description

Provides information about a news headline update.

Property Documentation

string Caplin.StreamLink.INewsEvent.DateTime

Returns the date/time associated with this headline update.

  • The format of the date/time string is dependent on the implementation
  • of the Integration Adapter that supplied the new headline. Generally it will be in a displayable format.
  • The date/time stamp.
IDictionary<string,string> Caplin.StreamLink.INewsEvent.Fields

Returns all field/value pairs that were updated in this update.

  • This data structure allows access to any additional information associated
  • with the news headline update which aren't available directly.
  • A collection of field/value pairs.
string Caplin.StreamLink.INewsEvent.Headline

Returns the headline for this update.

  • The headline.
string Caplin.StreamLink.INewsEvent.StoryCode

Returns the story code associated with this update.

  • The value of the code can be used to construct a news story
  • subject to obtain the full text of the news item.
  • The story code.

Generated on Tue Jul 11 2023 15:19:07 for StreamLink.NET