StreamLink.NET  7.1.19-7.1.19-993-0e59b8f
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Caplin.StreamLink.IRecordType1Event Interface Reference

Provides information about a change to type 1 data (fieldname and data pairs) in a record. More...

Inheritance diagram for Caplin.StreamLink.IRecordType1Event:

Public Member Functions

long GetLatency (string timeStampField)
 Gets the latency of the record in milliseconds. StreamLink calculates the latency using the clock offset More...


IDictionary< string, string > Fields [get]
 Returns the record fields relating to the event, as a collection of key-value pairs. More...
long TimeReceived [get]
 Returns the time that the record data in the event was received at the client. More...

Detailed Description

Provides information about a change to type 1 data (fieldname and data pairs) in a record.

The RecordType1Event is provided in an onRecordUpdate callback to a ISubscriptionListener.

Member Function Documentation

long Caplin.StreamLink.IRecordType1Event.GetLatency ( string  timeStampField)

Gets the latency of the record in milliseconds. StreamLink calculates the latency using the clock offset

  • * and the timestamp supplied in the timeStampField field of the record.
  • The latency cannot be calculated if timeStampField is not present in the record or if the clock
  • offset has not yet been established.
  • Parameters
    timeStampFieldThe name of the field in the record containing the timestamp that StreamLink uses to calculate the latency of the record.
  • Returns
    The latency of the record in milliseconds, or -1 if the latency cannot be calculated.

Property Documentation

IDictionary<string,string> Caplin.StreamLink.IRecordType1Event.Fields

Returns the record fields relating to the event, as a collection of key-value pairs.

  • When a call to isImage() returns true, the subscription data event contains an image of the data
  • for the subscribed item. All the fields comprising the record are present in the collection. The application
  • must discard any values previously received and replace them with the values contained within the
  • collection.
  • When a call to isImage() returns false, the subscription data event contains new data for the subscribed
  • record. The values in the collection returned are an update to any values previously received and any
  • application caches should be updated appropriately.
  • the fields
long Caplin.StreamLink.IRecordType1Event.TimeReceived

Returns the time that the record data in the event was received at the client.

  • The time that the record data was received at the client in milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.

Generated on Tue Jul 11 2023 15:19:07 for StreamLink.NET