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Caplin.StreamLink.IChatEvent Interface Reference

Provides information about updates to a chat subject. More...

Inheritance diagram for Caplin.StreamLink.IChatEvent:


string Message [get]
 Returns the chat message. More...
string Time [get]
 Returns the time when the chat event was raised. More...
Caplin.StreamLink.ChatEventType UpdateType [get]
 Returns the type of chat event that this event represents. More...
string User [get]
 Returns the username of the user who generated this chat event. More...

Detailed Description

Provides information about updates to a chat subject.

The ChatEvent is provided in an onChatUpdate callback to a ISubscriptionListener.

Property Documentation

string Caplin.StreamLink.IChatEvent.Message

Returns the chat message.

  • This method returns null for all events events apart from
  • ChatEventType.MESSAGE.
  • The chat message if the chat event type is ChatEventType.MESSAGE, otherwise null.
string Caplin.StreamLink.IChatEvent.Time

Returns the time when the chat event was raised.

  • The time stamp is in the format HH:MM:SS.
  • The timestamp.
Caplin.StreamLink.ChatEventType Caplin.StreamLink.IChatEvent.UpdateType

Returns the type of chat event that this event represents.

  • The event type.
string Caplin.StreamLink.IChatEvent.User

Returns the username of the user who generated this chat event.

  • The username.

Generated on Tue Nov 26 2019 06:24:39 for StreamLink.NET