StreamLink for Silverlight
ICredentials Interface
StreamLink for SilverlightCaplin.StreamLinkICredentials
Encapsulates authentication information used to log in to a Liberator server.

If your StreamLink application does not use one of the ICredentialsProvider implementations supplied with StreamLink, you must define a class that implements the ICredentials interface and a class that implements the ICredentialsProvider interface.

Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public interface ICredentials
Public Interface ICredentials
public interface class ICredentials
All MembersProperties

Gets the password.

Gets the username.


The Credentials property of the ICredentialsProvider implementation must return an instance of the ICredentials implementation. During the login process (after a connection has been established with the Liberator) the ICredentials instance is returned to StreamLink through the Credentials property.

Assembly: Caplin.StreamLink.Silverlight (Module: Caplin.StreamLink.Silverlight) Version: (