StreamLink for Silverlight
ICredentialsProvider Interface
StreamLink for SilverlightCaplin.StreamLinkICredentialsProvider
This interface defines how to provide the user credentials that StreamLink uses to log in to a Liberator server.

If your StreamLink application does not use one of the credentials provider classes supplied with StreamLink (such as PasswordCredentialsProvider or StandardKeyMasterCredentialsProvider), you must define your own class that implements this interface, along with an implementation of the ICredentials interface (which must be returned by the Credentials property of the ICredentialsProvider).

Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public interface ICredentialsProvider
Public Interface ICredentialsProvider
public interface class ICredentialsProvider
All MembersProperties

Gets the credentials used to login to the Liberator.


The application must register the ICredentialsProvider with StreamLink by setting the CredentialsProvider property of the StreamLink object. This should be done before StreamLink logs in to the Liberator server, otherwise the login will fail.

Whenever StreamLink needs to log in to a Liberator the Credentials property of the ICredentialsProvider is invoked and returns an ICredentials object containing the required username and token (password).

StreamLink provides the PasswordCredentialsProvider implementation of ICredentialsProvider, which can be used in situations when the username and password will not change. If PasswordCredentialsProvider is not suitable, the exact implementation of ICredentialsProvider that is required depends on the authentication scheme implemented in the Liberator's authentication module.

Assembly: Caplin.StreamLink.Silverlight (Module: Caplin.StreamLink.Silverlight) Version: (