Transformer SDK For C
pipeline_module_func_t Struct Reference

List of library functions to be registered. More...

Data Fields

int(* func )(void *state)
const char * js_name
const char * lua_name

Detailed Description

List of library functions to be registered.

The list must be terminated with a NULL entry.

See pipeline_register_library.

Field Documentation

int(* pipeline_module_func_t::func) (void *state)

C function to call when the pipeline invokes the function

const char* pipeline_module_func_t::js_name

Name for the function in a JavaScript pipeline

const char* pipeline_module_func_t::lua_name

Name for the function in a Lua pipeline

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sun May 7 2023 21:52:26 for Transformer SDK For C