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READ - Static variable in class com.caplin.server.auth.InvalidationType
Indicates that the Liberator should re-check all read permissions (with calls to Authenticator.checkRead(com.caplin.server.auth.UserSession, com.caplin.server.auth.RTTPObject, java.lang.String) for the invalidated sessions.
READ_CHECK_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.caplin.server.auth.InvalidationType
Indicates that the Liberator should re-map all user objects (with calls to Authenticator.mapObject(com.caplin.server.auth.UserSession, com.caplin.server.auth.MapObject) in addition to re-checking all read permissions for the invalidated sessions.
READ_CHECK_OBJECT_SET_FLAG_2 - Static variable in class com.caplin.server.auth.InvalidationType
releaseObject(RTTPObject) - Method in interface com.caplin.server.auth.Authenticator
This method will be called when the Liberator deletes an object.
releaseObject(RTTPObject) - Method in class com.caplin.server.auth.AuthenticatorAdaptor
releaseObject(RTTPObject) - Method in class examples.OpenAuthenticator
releaseObject(RTTPObject) - Method in class examples.PermissionAuthenticator
releaseObject(RTTPObject) - Method in class examples.TieringAuthenticator
releaseUser(UserSession) - Method in interface com.caplin.server.auth.Authenticator
This method will be called when the Liberator deletes the user session due to logout or timeout.
releaseUser(UserSession) - Method in class com.caplin.server.auth.AuthenticatorAdaptor
releaseUser(UserSession) - Method in class examples.OpenAuthenticator
releaseUser(UserSession) - Method in class examples.PermissionAuthenticator
releaseUser(UserSession) - Method in class examples.TieringAuthenticator
remove(String) - Method in interface com.caplin.server.auth.DataCache
Removes the object objectName from the Liberator's object cache.
requestObject(UserSession, RTTPObject) - Method in interface com.caplin.server.auth.Authenticator
This method will be called when a user's session becomes subscribed to an object.
requestObject(UserSession, RTTPObject) - Method in class com.caplin.server.auth.AuthenticatorAdaptor
requestObject(UserSession, RTTPObject) - Method in class examples.OpenAuthenticator
requestObject(UserSession, RTTPObject) - Method in class examples.PermissionAuthenticator
requestObject(UserSession, RTTPObject) - Method in class examples.TieringAuthenticator
resetToboUser() - Method in class com.caplin.server.auth.AuthenticationUser
Clear the TOBO username for this user
RTTPObject - Class in com.caplin.server.auth
A representation of an RTTP Object that is present in the Liberator.
RTTPObject(String, int) - Constructor for class com.caplin.server.auth.RTTPObject
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