Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordMessage Interface Reference

Base interface for all Record messages. More...

Inheritance diagram for Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordMessage:
Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.IMessage Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IGenericMessage Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordType1Message Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordType2Message Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordType3Message

Public Member Functions

void AddLatencyChainPoint (string pointName, DateTime dateTime)
 Adds a latency chain point More...
void ClearFields ()
 Removes all the fields More...
bool ContainsField (string fieldName)
 Determines whether the message contains the specified field More...
void RemoveField (string fieldName)
 Removes the given field from this RecordMessage. More...
void SetField (string fieldName, string value)
 Sets the value of a specified field. More...


IList< IFieldFields [get]
 Gets the fields within this mesasge. More...
DateTime InitialLatencyChainTime [set]
 Sets the initial time for latency chaining. More...
string this[string fieldName] [get, set]
 Gets or sets a specified field. More...
- Properties inherited from Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.IMessage
bool Image [get, set]
 Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether this IMessage represents an image or an update. More...
string Subject [get]
 Gets the subject of this message. More...

Detailed Description

Base interface for all Record messages.

Member Function Documentation

void Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordMessage.AddLatencyChainPoint ( string  pointName,
DateTime  dateTime 

Adds a latency chain point

pointNameThe name associated with the latency measurement.
dateTimeThe current time i.e. DateTime.Now. Note that the timestamp saved in the packet will be converted to an epoch timestamp.
void Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordMessage.ClearFields ( )

Removes all the fields

bool Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordMessage.ContainsField ( string  fieldName)

Determines whether the message contains the specified field

fieldNameName of the field.
true if the message contains the field; otherwise, false.
void Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordMessage.RemoveField ( string  fieldName)

Removes the given field from this RecordMessage.

fieldNameName of the field.
void Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordMessage.SetField ( string  fieldName,
string  value 

Sets the value of a specified field.

fieldNameName of the field.
valueValue of the field.

If the field does not exist in the Record, this method adds it to the Record, otherwise this method will update the value of the field.

Property Documentation

IList<IField> Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordMessage.Fields

Gets the fields within this mesasge.

A read-only list of the fields within this record message.

DateTime Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordMessage.InitialLatencyChainTime

Sets the initial time for latency chaining.

The current time i.e. DateTime.Now. Note that the timestamp saved in the packet will be converted to an epoch timestamp.

The timestamp could be: the time the data was created; the time the data entered the DataSource adapter or any other time point during the lifetime of the data.

string Caplin.DataSource.Messaging.Record.IRecordMessage.this[string fieldName]

Gets or sets a specified field.

Field value

If the field does not exist in the Record, this index operator adds it to the Record, otherwise using the index operator will update the value of the field.

Caplin.DataSource.Fields.UnknownFieldExceptionRaised when the fieldName is not defined in the DataSource.NET configuration.

Generated on Fri Feb 14 2020 17:46:10 for DataSource.NET