Keymaster 6.0.1-24601941 API Reference

The Caplin KeyMaster allows Liberator to be used within a single sign-on environment.


com.caplin.keymaster Provides all the classes to verify a token.
com.caplin.keymaster.error Provides all the error classes for key generation.
com.caplin.keymaster.keygenerator Creates a set of public/private keys.
com.caplin.keymaster.keyimporter Utilities that imports a private key into a hardware KeyStore and verify the successful import operation.
com.caplin.keymaster.servlet Provides all the classes used when creating a token for a request.
examples.flatfile Provides an example of a HTTPS servlet as an alternative to BasicAuthenticator.
examples.jndi Provides a sample implementation of the ResponseFormatter interface.


The Caplin KeyMaster allows Liberator to be used within a single sign-on environment. KeyMaster works behind any existing single sign-on system to completely block access to the Liberator to any user who has not been previously authenticated. It generates single-use, expiring, encrypted tokens that are used as the login password for Liberator. Only those clients who have a valid KeyMaster token are able to log in. Only those clients who have authenticated to the single sign-on system are able to retrieve a token from the KeyMaster servlet. The KeyMaster uses a private key to encrypt the token and the Liberator holds the corresponding public key that is used for decryption. This ensures that only the KeyMaster could possibly generate a valid token that is used for login. When the KeyMaster server is protected behind a single sign-on system this allows the Liberator to use the same single sign-on mechanism without the need for direct connection to the sign-on database or back-end system.

KeyMaster also provides several ResponseFormatter classes which specify the format of the response sent back to the client. This allows the users request for a token to be processed in several different ways depending on the type of application that is requesting the token. The current possibilities are:

It should be noted that KeyMaster requires Java Virtual Machine (run-time enviroment) version 1.4 or higher in order to run. This requirement is due to the logging KeyMaster performs as standard. KeyMaster uses Logger to perform all logging.

The remainder of this document describes the different uses of KeyMaster in more detail. Click the links on the table below for information on a topic:

KeyGenerator Configuration
Servlet Configuration
The ResponseFormatter Classes
KeyMaster and StreamLink
KeyMaster Examples
Bouncy Castle Notes

KeyGenerator Configuration

To generate the public, DER and private keys a properties file must be supplied to the KeyGeneration class as its first argument. This file must include ALL of the following properties. A sample configuration file is provided with the KeyMaster installation. This file is located within the examples directory of the KeyMaster distribution and is called keygen.props.

Property Example Description '' The name of the file that the private key will be stored in. '' The name of the file that the public key will be stored in.
key.generator.public.key.der.filename 'publickey.der' The name of the DER formatted public key. The file should end in '.der'.
key.generator.key.size '1024' The size of the generated key. Both keys use this size. 'org.bouncycastle.jce.provider
The name of the encryption package. Needs to be in the classpath. 'BC' The name of the security provider that the key will be produced with.
key.generator.Level 'INFO' Specifies the level of logging required - these are standard Java Logger levels - see java.util.logging.Level for all possible options.
key.generator.FilenameAttribute 'log.txt' Specifies the name of the file to log messages to. The file is NOT appended to; an existing log file will be overwritten
The file is created relative to the users current location.

Each property name/value pair should be separated with an '=' character, and each property should be defined on its own line. For example:



Servlet Configuration

The two servlets that ship with KeyMaster (StandardKeyMaster and FlatFileServlet) both use the standard servlet deployment descriptor, namely a web.xml file, to set up the servlets properties. A sample web.xml file is provided with the KeyMaster installation.
The web.xml file has the following configuration options:

Token/key Configuration

Parameter Example Required Description
encrypting.generator.key.identifier 'myIdentifierName' YES Name of the identifier the token is generated for. This must be the same as the second parameter passed to KeyGenerator when the private key was created.
Filesystem location: '/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16/
YES File name and location for the private key. Note that the double '//' is required only for Windows.
Or by classpath reference. Note that 'classpath:' is a required prefix of the location.
YES The name of the encryption package. Needs to be in the servlet�s classpath.
'BC' YES The name of the security provider that the key will be produced with.

ResponseFormatter Configuration

Parameter Example Required Description
formatter-type-javascript 'com.caplin.keymaster.servlet
YES Name of the class to handle a JavaScript response. This class is provided in keymaster.jar.
formatter-type-streamlink 'com.caplin.keymaster.servlet
YES Name of the class to handle a StreamLink response. This class is provided in keymaster.jar.
formatter-type-typename 'com.mycompany.myformatter' NO Name of the class to handle a custom response as is requested by the "type" query string parameter passed up to the KeyMaster. This class must implement ResponseFormater. It must be placed in the lib folder within WEB-INF on the application server.

Log File Configuration

Parameter Example Required Description
key.generator.Level 'ALL' NO KeyMaster logging level. In production this should be set to SEVERE or WARNING. See java.util.logging.Level for all possible level values.
key.generator.FilenameAttribute 'log.txt' NO Specifies the name of the file to log messages to. The file is NOT appended to.
If an absolute path is not specified then the log file will be created relative to the directory the application server is running from (e.g. in tomcat the log would be tomcat/bin/log.txt).

User Credentials

Parameter Example Required Description
http.remote.user 'enabled' NO Specifies the username should be retrieved from the standard HTTP RemoteUser object.
user.credential.provider 'com.caplin.keymaster.servlet.UserCredentialsProvider' NO This class will specify how the username is retrieved. If this configuration is left out then the default action will be to use the request parameter "username" if HTTPRemoteUser has not been enabled. If it has been enabled then the HTTPRemoteUser will be got or if this returns null then the request parameter will be used.


The ResponseFormatter Classes

The ResponseFormatter interface allows a developer to create custom response formats without needing to write a whole servlet. The default servlet, StandardKeyMaster, uses the "type" query string parameter to determine which ResponseFormatter should be used to generate the response to the credentials request.
The default ResponseFormatter is StreamLinkFormatter, which returns the following success message:
An error response has the following format:
    message={error message}
Each type of ResponseFormatter can produce a different response message format.

Creating Custom ResponseFormatters

To create a custom response format, a developer must write a class which implements the ResponseFormatter interface. ResponseFormatter defines two methods:

public String formatResponse(HttpServletRequest request, String token)

public String formatErrorResponse(HttpServletRequest request, String errorMessage)

The formatResponse Method

The HttpServletRequest argument allows a developer maximum flexibility when creating an individual response. Any parameters passed within the query string can be obtained and processed as necessary.

The token represents a password that has just been generated based on the private key specified in the servlet configuration file (web.xml). This key is used to gain access to a Caplin Liberator. This key should be incorporated into the required response format. The servlet that called the class will then return the formatted response to the calling application.

The formatErrorResponse Method

The HttpServletRequest argument allows a developer maximum leeway when creating an individual response. A developer can add as many request parameters as required and return an error if any are missing. The request will be passed into a developer's class by the servlet that is calling it. All servlets have this variable by default as any GET or POST requests made by a user must contain both a HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse object.

The errorMessage is an explanation of what has gone wrong while trying to produce a token for the request. This message should be incorporated into a suitable error response (e.g. the error response for the JavaScriptFormatter is of the form: SigGen_AuthenticationFailed('sourceid', 'Error message'); ). The servlet that called the class will then return the formatted error to the calling application.

Deployment of a ResponseFormatter

When the code compiles successfully, an entry entry must be added to the web.xml file of the servlet that will be calling the new ResponseFormatter class. The entry will take the following form:

        <description>Optional description of new ResponseFormatter class</description>

The class file must then be placed in the servlet�s classpath on the application server (e.g. /tomcat/webapps/keymaster/WEB-INF/lib/ . Finally (re)start the application server to ensure that the new class is loaded. The StandardKeyMaster uses reflection to load the new class and it will be automatically added as a valid ResponseFormatter. Now request the servlet specifying the new type within the query string (e.g. If the new ResponseFormatter has been registered with the type name test, it will be used whenever a request is made including type=test in the query string).

You can look at the example NewsFormatter for more information.


KeyMaster and StreamLink

When KeyMaster is being used in conjunction with one of the StreamLink API's (e.g. StreamLinkForJava, StreamLinkForC++ etc.) then the developer will need to use the com.caplin.credentials.StandardKeyMasterCredentials if a standard KeyMaster request is required. Otherwise a custom com.caplin.credentials.CredentialsListener should be implemented on the client side that can make the required request and interpret the response correctly. On the KeyMaster side a custom ResponseFormatter should be implemented to return a response that the custom CredentialsListener can interpret.

The StandardKeyMasterCredentials class can be found in the StreamLinkForJava documentation at com.caplin.credentials.StandardKeyMasterCredentials. This class can be used by the developer to call KeyMaster using either a String or URL object. The class will then take care of calling KeyMaster and retriving a token from it. The class will provide KeyMaster with the required attribute (username) and wait for a token or an error to be returned.

KeyMasters default behaviour is to call into the com.caplin.credentials.util.RemoteCredentialsEncoder class. This class allows KeyMaster to to return a response that the StandardKeyMasterCredentials class will understand. The response is returned to the class via the output stream represented by the HttpServletResponse The classes in the com.caplin.credentials package will return the response in the correct format.


KeyMaster Examples

KeyMaster comes with two examples, the first is a ResponseFormatter implementation, whilst the second is a custom servlet.

The ResponseFormatter Example

This example shows how a developer can implement their own ResponseFormatter. The example requires an extra query string parameter called 'wires' that can have a number of values. Each different value corresponds to a particular user and a piece of news. The class checks the parameters of the URL and will return an error response if there is no value for wires. If all the required string parameters are present then a piece of news and the token is printed to the screen. If any of the required parameters are missing then an error message will be printed to the screen instead.
In the web.xml file that ships with KeyMaster, there is a section that deals with the different types of ResponseFormatter that can be handled. These entries have the following format:

     <description>Name of the class to handle a NewsFormatter response</description>
This entry in the file tells the servlet when it is loaded by the application server that it can handle requests for a news response. This response is then requested by specifying news as the type query string parameter (e.g. http://server/keymaster/servlet/BasicAuthenticator?type=news).

The FlatFileServlet Example

This example demonstrates that KeyMaster will also work over HTTPS using Secure Socket Layer (SSL). The servlet is configured to only work over HTTPS so that it is much more secure than the StandardKeyMaster servlet. This allows it to check user details itself before issuing a token for the request. The servlet uses a standard ASCII file with a list of users and associated tokens to issue a response. If the user name is present in the file then the servlet will pull out the token for that user. If the user is not present then an error is returned. Apart from that the servlet runs in the same way as BasicAuthenticator except that it currently only uses the StreamLinkFormatter to format a response to the user.


Bouncy Castle Notes

The bouncy castle JAR file is used when creating the key files and when generating a token. The accompanying website can provide the KeyMaster user with the compatible version of their Java Runtime Enviroment (JRE). KeyMaster ships with Bouncy Castle for JRE version 1.4. If a newer version of a JRE is being used then the equivalent bouncy castle JAR can be retrieved from the bouncy castle release page.
The reason for the different bouncy castle JARS is that:

  1. In Java 1.4+, the javax.crypto package is included in the JDK.
  2. Sun have changed the JCE provider rules once or twice, partly because of export restrictions on cryptography.
The release page should have a JAR for each JRE compatible version.


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