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Caplin.StreamLink.ISubscriptionParameters Interface Reference

The base interface for defining parameters that apply to Subscriptions. More...

Inheritance diagram for Caplin.StreamLink.ISubscriptionParameters:
Caplin.StreamLink.IFreeFormSubscriptionParameters Caplin.StreamLink.IJsonSubscriptionParameters Caplin.StreamLink.IRecordSubscriptionParameters Caplin.StreamLink.IContainerSubscriptionParameters

Detailed Description

The base interface for defining parameters that apply to Subscriptions.

When using parameters, use the relevant sub-interface, according to the subject type of the subscription. You create a SubscriptionParameters instance by using the createXXXParameters methods on the StreamLink object. After setting the parameter values you can pass them to the subscribe() or snapshot() methods on the StreamLink object.

Generated on Mon Mar 7 2022 12:06:37 for StreamLink.NET