StreamLink.NET  8.0.2-8.0.2-1193-39b2496
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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 \NStreamLinkThe interfaces, classes and enumerators within this package provide the functionality of StreamLink.
  oNAlertsThe classes within this package provide the functionality of StreamLink alerts
  |oCINotificationA Notification is an object that can be sent to notify a user of a particular event.
  |oCINotificationListenerInterface that should be implemented to receive notification change callbacks from the NotificationProvider
  |oCIResultListenerAn interface that can be registered to be called back when an operation completes.
  |oCITriggerA Trigger is an object associated with a particular RTTP subject that contains a condition (on the given subjects fields) that when met will trigger a notification message.
  |oCITriggerListenerInterface that should be implemented to receive trigger change callbacks from the TriggerProvider
  |oCNotificationServiceA NotificationService subscribes to a Notifications container of the StreamLink user and allows the user to register a listener to be called when notifications are triggered or dismissed
  |\CTriggerServiceA TriggerService subscribes to the Triggers of a StreamLink user and allows the user to register a listener to be called back when triggers are added, removed or modified.
  oCBaseConnectionListenerAdapter class implementing the IConnectionListener methods
  oCBaseSubscriptionListenerAdapter class implementing the ISubscriptionListener methods
  oCConsoleLogListenerUtility class to aid debugging.
  oCContainerFilterFactoryA factory for creating FilterExpressions for use in the IContainerSubscriptionParameters select method.
  oCIAdvancedConfigurationThis interface provides access to advanced features of the StreamLink library.
  oCIChannelRepresents a channel to a subject on the Liberator.
  oCIChannelListenerInterface for receiving updates on the channel from the Liberator.
  oCIChatEventProvides information about updates to a chat subject.
  oCICommandErrorEventProvides error information for commands.
  oCICommandListenerDefines the interface that you should implement to receive information on the result of a command.
  oCICommandParametersInterface that defines parameters for a ICommandSubscription.
  oCICommandResultEventProvides result information for commands.
  oCICommandResultListenerDefines the interface that you should implement to receive information on the result of a command.
  oCICommandSubscriptionStored information on the subscription and lets you unpersist the command.
  oCIConnectionListenerDefines the interface for receiving information about changes in the state of the StreamLink connection, the data services available from the Liberator, and the DataSources that are normally connected to the Liberator.
  oCIConnectionStatusEventProvides information about a change in status of the connection to the Liberator.
  oCIContainerElementRepresentation of a subject that is within a container.
  oCIContainerEventRepresents an update to a container subject.
  oCIContainerModelThis interface defines a model that represents a container. You need to implement it to process the updateModel callback in IContainerEvents.
  oCIContainerSubscriptionParametersDefines the parameters used for Container subscriptions. To create an instance of ContainerSubscriptionParameters call the IStreamLink.CreateContainerSubscriptionParameters method.
  oCICredentialsEncapsulates authentication information used to log in to a Liberator server.
  oCICredentialsProviderThis interface defines how to provide the user credentials that StreamLink uses to log into a Liberator server.
  oCICredentialsReceiverInterface that your custom implementation of ICredentialsProvider must call to provide credential information to StreamLink.
  oCIDataEventProvides access to fundamental information about subscription events relating to changes in data, such as the subject and the type of event that has occurred.
  oCIDirectoryChangeElementProvides information about a change to a directory element.
  oCIDirectoryEventProvides information about a change to a directory.
  oCIFilterExpressionInterface that represents a filter expression.
  oCIFreeFormSubscriptionParametersA FreeFormSubscriptionParameters instance allows you to pass parameters to subscriptions for subject types that are not records or containers.
  oCIJsonChannelRepresents a JSON channel to a subject on the Liberator.
  oCIJsonChannelListenerInterface for receiving updates on the JSON channel from the Liberator.
  oCIJsonEventProvides information about a JSON message.
  oCIJsonSubscriptionParametersDefines the parameters used for Json subscriptions.
  oCIKeymasterPollResponseListenerDefines the interface that should be implemented by the application to receive KeyMaster keep alive Responses.
  oCILoggerAllows StreamLink log messages to be written to the destination of your choice.
  oCILogInfoStores log information including message and level of a log entry.
  oCILogListenerInterface for receiving log messages from the StreamLink application.
  oCINewsEventProvides information about a news headline update.
  oCIPageElementProvides information about a single text change for the given row and column in a Page.
  oCIPageEventProvides information about a change to data in a Page
  oCIPermissionEventProvides information about a change to permission data.
  oCIRawSocketFactoryThis interface allows a user application to specify a connection strategy to use when creating Type 1 (direct socket) connections. For example, to negotiate a SOCKS proxy or other custom tunneling requirements.
  oCIRecordSubscriptionParametersDefines the parameters used for Record subscriptions.
  oCIRecordType1EventProvides information about a change to type 1 data (fieldname and data pairs) in a record.
  oCIRecordType2EventProvides information about a change to type 2 data in a record.
  oCIRecordType3EventProvides information about a change to type 3 data in a record.
  oCIServiceStatusEventProvides information about the change in status of a data service to which StreamLink is connected via the Liberator.
  oCISourceStatusEventProvides information about the change in status of an Integration Adapter to which StreamLink is connected via the Liberator.
  oCIStatisticsEventProvides access to the statistics relating to an instance of StreamLink.
  oCIStoryEventProvides information about a change to story data in a Story
  oCIStreamLinkDefines the StreamLink interface.
  oCIStreamLinkConfigurationInterface that allows the configuration of StreamLink to be defined programmatically.
  oCISubscriptionRepresents a subscription to a subject on the Liberator.
  oCISubscriptionErrorEventProvides information about a subscription error.
  oCISubscriptionListenerInterface for receiving updates to subscribed data from the Liberator.
  oCISubscriptionParametersThe base interface for defining parameters that apply to Subscriptions.
  oCISubscriptionStatusEventProvides information about a change in the state of a subscription.
  oCIWebRequestParametersContains the parameters needed to call a specific Liberator web module.
  oCLogLevelEnumeration that represents the available logging levels.
  oCStreamLinkFactoryFactory that creates StreamLink instances.

Generated on Tue Aug 6 2024 11:56:46 for StreamLink.NET