Transformer SDK For C
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_ds5_namespace_sDefinition of the interface that you should implement if you require custom subject matching logic
 C_ds_dataA data update object
 C_ds_fieldA field within a data update
 C_formathandlerStructure used to generate chains of format handlers
 C_pipelinePipeline execution functions
 Ccluster_interface_tDefinition of the cluster interface
 Ccontainer_tDefinition of a container
 Cds_arguments_tStructure defining the arguments for Monitoring methods
 Cds_array_tThe container object for monitoring array types
 Cds_config_enum_tEnumerated types structure
 Cds_monauth_tMonitoring credentials object
 Cds_monitor_tThe container object for all monitoring values
 Cformat_interface_tInterface returned to other modules which require integration with the pipeline
 Cpersistence_interface_tPersistence execution functions
 Cpersistence_listener_tPersistence change listener functions
 Cpipeline_eventnames_tNames of the event handlers within the pipeline
 Cpipeline_interface_tInterface returned to other modules which require integration with the pipeline

Generated on Fri Sep 16 2016 15:35:00 for Transformer SDK For C