

The DataSubscriber is the interface for a connector that will communicate with a data source/provider. A subscriber instance implementing this interface must create subscriptions to a data source on behalf of a caplin.core.subscriber.DataSubscriptionListener. Subscriptions are made for data with a particular subject and data updates are propagated to the subscribed DataSubscriberListener which processes data updates when received. The DataSubscriber provides the interface to stop and resume the subscription to the data source when required, or to query the data availability status or subscription status.

An implementation of the caplin.core.subscriber.DataSubscriber interface must implement the callbacks for receiving data from the particular data source to which it is specific.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

The DataSubscriber interface — this should never be constructed.

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
String getSubscribedSubject()

Returns the data subject of the active subscription if the subscription is not stopped.

boolean isAvailable()

Returns true if the subscribed data on the data source is currently available.

void resume()

Resumes the data subscription to the data source.

void setListener(caplin.core.subscriber.DataSubscriptionListener oListener)

Sets the listener for this DataSubscription's updates.

void stop()

Stops the data subscription to the data source, if subscribed.

Constructor Detail


The DataSubscriber interface — this should never be constructed.

Method Detail

String getSubscribedSubject()

Returns the data subject of the active subscription if the subscription is not stopped.


boolean isAvailable()

Returns true if the subscribed data on the data source is currently available.


void resume()

Resumes the data subscription to the data source.

void setListener(caplin.core.subscriber.DataSubscriptionListener oListener)

Sets the listener for this DataSubscription's updates.

The subscribed listener must implement the caplin.core.subscriber.DataSubscriberListener interface in order to receive callbacks when data availability changes and data updates are received.

caplin.core.subscriber.DataSubscriptionListener oListener the subscribed listener for data updates. Required.
if oListener is not an instance of caplin.core.subscriber.DataSubscriptionListener

void stop()

Stops the data subscription to the data source, if subscribed.