

The class is still in Beta and is subject to API changes.
The FrameManager interface allows caplin.component.Component instances to be viewed within the application. While the end-developer may wish to write or configure their own Component instances, it is the frame managers responsibility to create the implementations of caplin.component.frame.PanelFrame and caplin.component.frame.DialogFrame that these components must be placed within, before they can be viewed and interacted with by the user on screen.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void addPanelToLayout(caplin.component.Component oComponent, caplin.component.frame.FrameCreationListener oFrameCreationListener)

Display a component as part of the main page or application.

void openDialog(caplin.component.Component oComponent, String sCaption, int nWidth, int nHeight, caplin.component.frame.FrameCreationListener oFrameCreationListener)

Display a component within a floating dialog on screen.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

void addPanelToLayout(caplin.component.Component oComponent, caplin.component.frame.FrameCreationListener oFrameCreationListener)

Display a component as part of the main page or application.

caplin.component.Component oComponent The component to be added.
caplin.component.frame.FrameCreationListener oFrameCreationListener A listener that will be provided with a reference to the caplin.component.frame.PanelFrame that will wrap this component.

void openDialog(caplin.component.Component oComponent, String sCaption, int nWidth, int nHeight, caplin.component.frame.FrameCreationListener oFrameCreationListener)

Display a component within a floating dialog on screen.

caplin.component.Component oComponent The component to be displayed.
String sCaption The caption for the floating dialog window.
int nWidth The initial width of the dialog.
int nHeight The initial height of the dialog.
caplin.component.frame.FrameCreationListener oFrameCreationListener A listener that will be provided with a reference to the caplin.component.frame.DialogFrame that will wrap this component.