

This is a basic control that is used to display a progress bar. Typically, the ProgressBarControl uses stylers to specify how the image appears to the user.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description
caplin.control.basic.ProgressBarControl(caplin.control.factory.ControlType oControlType)

Constructs a new ProgressBarControl with the specified arguments.

Methods inherited from class caplin.control.basic.BasicControl:
getElement, getFlashDuration, getId, getNumericFlashDirection, isBound, removeFlash, setAttribute, setDomAttribute, setDomClass, setDomParentClass, setDomStyle, setDomValue, setId, setTooltip

Constructor Detail

caplin.control.basic.ProgressBarControl(caplin.control.factory.ControlType oControlType)

Constructs a new ProgressBarControl with the specified arguments.

caplin.control.factory.ControlType oControlType The control type.