

The GridGenerator is a factory that is used to create the components required to create a complete grid assembly, based on an XML definition file.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Constructs a caplin.grid.GridGenerator.

Field Summary

Attributes Name and Description
<static> caplin.grid.GridGenerator.GRID_DEFINITION_ELEMENT_NAME

The name of the application config element that is the base of the grid definition XML.

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
caplin.grid.GridView createGridFromId(String sGridId)

Create an instance of the grid with the given identifier.

String getDataProviderClassName(String sProviderName)

Given the name of the data provider will return the class name for it.

<static> caplin.grid.GridGenerator getInstance()

Get the publicly available instance of this class, pre-loaded with the XML defined at #GRID_DEFINITION_URL_PROPERTY.

boolean isConfigured()

Indicates whether the grid definitions were compiled successfully or not.

Constructor Detail


Constructs a caplin.grid.GridGenerator.

This class is not designed to be constructed by end-users of the Caplin API, but instead an instance of this class can be retrieved using caplin.grid.GridGenerator#getInstance

Field Detail

<static> caplin.grid.GridGenerator.GRID_DEFINITION_ELEMENT_NAME

The name of the application config element that is the base of the grid definition XML. This is passed to caplin.service.XmlResourceService#getXmlDocument which retrieves it from the full application config xml object.

Method Detail

caplin.grid.GridView createGridFromId(String sGridId)

Create an instance of the grid with the given identifier.

String sGridId The identifier of the grid to construct
A new instance of the complete grid assembly for the given identifier

String getDataProviderClassName(String sProviderName)

Given the name of the data provider will return the class name for it.

String sProviderName name given to the data provider in the XML configuration.

<static> caplin.grid.GridGenerator getInstance()

Get the publicly available instance of this class, pre-loaded with the XML defined at #GRID_DEFINITION_URL_PROPERTY.

boolean isConfigured()

Indicates whether the grid definitions were compiled successfully or not.