

A WorkbenchPermissionEditor allows manipulation of permissions in the fake permission service. A toggle button will be created for each permission that is passed in to the #allow and #deny methods. The toggle buttons allows the changing of a permission from permitted to denied and vice versa. To use construct this class, configure the desired permissions and add it to a caplin.workbench.ui.Workbench object e.g. var oPermissionEditor = new caplin.workbench.ui.WorkbenchPermissionEditor();
oPermissionEditor.allow('/FX/GBPUSD', "TradeProtocol", "RFS", "RFS");
workbench.addToLeftWing(oPermissionEditor, "Permissions");

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void allow(String sProduct, String sNamespace, String sAction, String sName)

Called to add a permission toggle to the PM, upon the construction the permission will be permitted.

void deny(String sProduct, String sNamespace, String sAction, String sName)

Called to add a permission toggle to the PM, upon the construction the permission will be denied.

void getElement()

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

void allow(String sProduct, String sNamespace, String sAction, String sName)

Called to add a permission toggle to the PM, upon the construction the permission will be permitted.

String sProduct The subject to change the permission of i.e. '/FX/GBPUSD'.
String sNamespace The namespace of the permission i.e. 'TradeType'.
String sAction The action of the permission i.e. 'SPOT'.
String sName The name of the permission i.e. 'SPOT'.

void deny(String sProduct, String sNamespace, String sAction, String sName)

Called to add a permission toggle to the PM, upon the construction the permission will be denied.

String sProduct The subject to change the permission of i.e. '/FX/GBPUSD'.
String sNamespace The namespace of the permission i.e. 'TradeType'.
String sAction The action of the permission i.e. 'SPOT'.
String sName The name of the permission i.e. 'SPOT'.