

Utility class providing common operations on maps.

In the context of this class, a Map is considered to be anything that is an instance of Object.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

This is a static class that never needs to be instantiated.

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
<static> Object addArrayToMap(Object mMap, Array pArray)

Add the items within the given array to the map, using each item as a key pointing to the boolean value true.

<static> Object clone(Object mSource)

Creates a shallow clone of the supplied map.

<static> boolean isEmpty(Object mMap)

Returns true if the given map is empty (has no enumerable properties), and false otherwise.

<static> Object mergeMaps(Array pMapsToMerge, boolean bOverwriteDuplicates, Boolean bDuplicatesThrowsExceptions, Boolean bDeepCopy)

Merges all of the maps specified in the array into a new map.

<static> Object removeArrayFromMap(Object mMap, Array pArray)

Remove all entries within the specified map, whose keys are contained within the given array.

<static> number size(Object mMap)

Returns the number of enumerable items within the given map.

<static> String toString(Object mMap)

Returns a string representation of the map in the form:

map#1{ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, .

<static> Array valuesToArray(Object mMap)

Returns an array containing the values obtained by iterating the given map object.

Constructor Detail


This is a static class that never needs to be instantiated.

Method Detail

<static> Object addArrayToMap(Object mMap, Array pArray)

Add the items within the given array to the map, using each item as a key pointing to the boolean value true. This will overwrite the value for a key that is already defined within the specified map.

As an example, the array ["foo", "bar"] would be converted to the map {foo:true, bar:true}.

This method is useful in that it allows a number of arrays to be condensed into a list of the unique values within this set of arrays. Once all the arrays have been added, then the #keysToArray method may be used to convert this list of unique entries back to an array.

Object mMap The map to add the items to. May not be null or undefined
Array pArray The array that contains the map keys to add. May not be null or undefined.
{Object} the passed map.

<static> Object clone(Object mSource)

Creates a shallow clone of the supplied map. Map references are copied one level deep.

Object mSource The map to clone.
A shallow clone of the map.

<static> boolean isEmpty(Object mMap)

Returns true if the given map is empty (has no enumerable properties), and false otherwise.

Object mMap The map that may or may not be empty.

<static> Object mergeMaps(Array pMapsToMerge, boolean bOverwriteDuplicates, Boolean bDuplicatesThrowsExceptions, Boolean bDeepCopy)

Merges all of the maps specified in the array into a new map.

The default behaviour of this method is to throw an exception if two maps contain the same key, however these duplicates can be ignored by setting the optional bOverwriteDuplicates argument to true. In this case the value of the key within the merged map will be that of the last map to contain the key. For example, merging [ { a: "1" }, { a: "2" } ] would result in the map { a: "2" }.

Array pMapsToMerge An array of all the maps to be merged.
boolean bOverwriteDuplicates (Optional) Flag that can be set to force this method to ignore duplicate keys and overwrite their values. If omitted this argument defaults to false.
Boolean bDuplicatesThrowsExceptions (Optional) Defaults to true. Indicates if an exception should be thrown if a duplicate value is found and the method is not to overwrite duplicates. This should be used if the original values should be preserved and not overwritten. If bOverwriteDuplicates is set to true then this parameter is ignored.
Boolean bDeepCopy (Optional) Defaults to false, shallow copy. Identifies if map objects should have deep copy applied to them.
if one or more of the contents of the maps to merge array is not a Map, or if any duplicate keys are found and the bOverwriteDuplicates argument is false.
A new map containing the merged key/value pairs from each of the specified maps.

<static> Object removeArrayFromMap(Object mMap, Array pArray)

Remove all entries within the specified map, whose keys are contained within the given array. Keys included in the array that do not exist within the map will be ignored.

Object mMap The map to remove the items from.
Array pArray The array that contains the map keys to remove.
{Object} A map containing all name/value pairs that have been removed from the specified map.

<static> number size(Object mMap)

Returns the number of enumerable items within the given map.

If you find yourself using this method you should consider whether a map is the correct data structure.

Object mMap The map the size is required for.
{number} The number of items within the map.

<static> String toString(Object mMap)

Returns a string representation of the map in the form:

map#1{ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, ... }

The values contained within the map will be returned as per the value of their toString() method. Another map will be displayed as [object Object], as will any object that does not explicitly implement or inherit a toString() method.

This method can be invoked multiple times from within the same callstack, such that if an object contained within the map implements a toString() method that calls it, there can be no infinite recursion. For example, if the object contained a reference to another map, the output would be of the form:

map#1{ obj: myObject<map#2{ x: 24, y: 25, z: 26 }> }

Whilst if the object contains a circular reference back to the map, the output will be of the form:

map#1{ obj: myObject<map#1<see-earlier-definition>> }
Warning: The output from this method will become unreliable if the toString() method of any of the values contained within the specified map throw an exception, however it is strongly advised that toString() methods should never throw exceptions.

Object mMap The map to be converted to a String.
{String} A string representation of the specified map.

<static> Array valuesToArray(Object mMap)

Returns an array containing the values obtained by iterating the given map object.

Object mMap The map to iterate
{Array} an array of all the enumerable values in the map.