

Wraps implementors caplin.component.Component class, to make them behave like normal caplin components.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description
caplin.webcentric.frame.ComponentWrapper( oComponent, sCaption, sPermissionKey, oPresentation, oWindowManager)

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void getCaption()

Returns the caption for this component.

Element getElement()

The root DOM Element used for this panel.

void getSerializedState()

Retrieve a serialized form of this panel.

Object getWrappedComponent()

Returns the native component that has been placed within the wrapper.

void initialize( oSize)

void onAttach()

The panel has just been attached to the dom

This method is only called if the environment hosting the panel supports it, and so should not be relied upon.

void onClose()

The panel container is being permanently closed.

void onEvent( sEventName)

The panel container is notifying of some other event, which is not dealt with by the other life-cycle methods.

void onHide()

The panel container is no longer in view.

void onMaximize()

The panel container is being maximized.

void onMinimize()

The panel container is being minimized.

void onPermissionsChanged( pPermissions)

void onResize(int nWidth, int nHeight)

The panel container has changed size.

void onRestore()

The panel container is being restored from a minimized or maximized state.

void onShow()

The panel container is now back in view.

void onSinglePermissionChanged( bIsAuthorized)

Methods implemented from class caplin.component.frame.ComponentFrame:
addToMenu, close, getComponent, getFrameManager, getMenu, getTitleBarElement, setComponentModified, setTitle

Constructor Detail

caplin.webcentric.frame.ComponentWrapper( oComponent, sCaption, sPermissionKey, oPresentation, oWindowManager)


Method Detail

void getCaption()

Returns the caption for this component. This is the text that appears on its tab.

String The caption for this component

Element getElement()

The root DOM Element used for this panel. This is called by the component adaptor to fill in the visual content during prior to onAttach and initialize.

For performance reasons, you should try to call any configuration methods for your panel before you call this method.

void getSerializedState()

Retrieve a serialized form of this panel. The super class must implement getSerializer() for this to work.

if getSerializer not implemented in concrete class

Object getWrappedComponent()

Returns the native component that has been placed within the wrapper.

void initialize( oSize)


void onAttach()

The panel has just been attached to the dom

This method is only called if the environment hosting the panel supports it, and so should not be relied upon.

void onClose()

The panel container is being permanently closed.

This method is only called if the environment hosting the panel supports it, and so should not be relied upon.

void onEvent( sEventName)

The panel container is notifying of some other event, which is not dealt with by the other life-cycle methods. This event will be propogated to the controllers, and can be dealt with there.

This method is only called if the environment hosting the panel supports it, and so should not be relied upon.


void onHide()

The panel container is no longer in view.

This method is only called if the environment hosting the panel supports it, and so should not be relied upon.

void onMaximize()

The panel container is being maximized.

This method is only called if the environment hosting the panel supports it, and so should not be relied upon.

void onMinimize()

The panel container is being minimized.

This method is only called if the environment hosting the panel supports it, and so should not be relied upon.

void onPermissionsChanged( pPermissions)


void onResize(int nWidth, int nHeight)

The panel container has changed size.

This method is only called if the environment hosting the panel supports it, and should not be relied upon.

int nWidth the new width of the container
int nHeight the new height of the container

void onRestore()

The panel container is being restored from a minimized or maximized state.

This method is only called if the environment hosting the panel supports it, and so should not be relied upon.

void onShow()

The panel container is now back in view.

This method is only called if the environment hosting the panel supports it, and so should not be relied upon.

void onSinglePermissionChanged( bIsAuthorized)
