

The class is still in Beta and is subject to API changes.
This interface must be implemented by classes that are to provide communication to a backend system for charting data.

The service provided by a class that implements this interface is aliased by caplin.chart-service. The default implementation is caplin.chart.service.StreamLinkChartService which knows how to obtain chart data from Caplin Platform.

ChartService is used by caplin.chart.Series.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void discard(Object oSeriesRequest, Object oListener)

Unsubscribe from receiving chart series data for the given request.

void retrieve(Object oSeriesRequest, Object oListener)

Subscribe to receive chart series data.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

void discard(Object oSeriesRequest, Object oListener)

Unsubscribe from receiving chart series data for the given request.

Object oSeriesRequest The caplin.chart.series.SeriesRequest object that was used to subscribe.
Object oListener The listener object that will be unsubscribed as a listener.

void retrieve(Object oSeriesRequest, Object oListener)

Subscribe to receive chart series data.

Object oSeriesRequest A caplin.chart.series.SeriesRequest object that holds all the information that the message service needs to retrieve the correct chart series data.
Object oListener Object that implements callbacks that the message service will call when it has chart series data.